Cover up Café

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Stories full of Mystery (Read below for details).
I'll try to get a post out within the next few days. I gotta get my character developed first <3
@LawfulSinner , @tigress. & @Practical , any of you guys have workers still coming in before customers? I could hop in with a short reply, opening the place if someone else doesn't do it before me. Because yes, @Nefelibata , the place is still closed, so as your character isn't working there, you should give it a moment to let someone open the place. ^^'
No. I'm currently dealing with some major health scares, so I'll be a while before I can hop into rp or create a character. Please feel free to go ahead with the rp, and once things clear up or I'm able to stay awake long enough to create my character and a post, I will be sure to let you all know. I'm sorry for not responding sooner about this, they've been keeping me sedated a lot.
Hey there! This is JUST the RP I've been looking for...seems like a lot of, coffee..will be spilt!

I'd play a girl who comes in looking for a job, or more specifically, a cover for her actual job...a professional pickpocket (although it seems weird, people's wallets mysteriously disappear soon after meeting her...) I'll work on the forum!

As I've heard, the cafe is closed for the public, so she'd somehow appear out of nowhere (she's most likely some kind of witch tbh)
Is this still ongoing? I've recently joined the site, but this RP does sound like fun. ^^

EDIT: Oh, I see Group RP's work a bit differently here? I may still be interested, but are Group RP's only done within one thread here?