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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
It's been a whole minute since I've done forum role playing! At the risk of tldr/tmi I'm coming down off of some way too strong anti-anxiety medication and my brain has been un-smoothed. My imagination and general will to exist has returned to me (mostly)!

I don't entirely know the 2023 rules of RP but I have a plethora of already established characters that I love to adapt to new genres and partners.

I only do MxM but I have a whole rolodex of Dom/ Sub/Vers (legal age) bois to fit all kinds of stories. These characters need their smut, some a lot more often than others. I don't do fanfics, only original characters with borrowed Pinterest face references.

Now that I've established how much I can talk and type, let me show you some preferences!

Victorian-ish era (bougie characters are so fun!)
1920/30/50s (prohibition/mafia etc)
Vampires and werewolves (separate or together)
Dragons (like the character is dragon who can socialize in a human form)
Cryptid stuff
Smut again
Magic stuff
Minor gore is kinda neat sometimes
Too much other stuff to list so we can just discuss together!

Don't love/don't do:
MPREG (I have one acceptable condition though lol!)
Idk, I'm pretty open

Please send me a DM if you're feeling froggy for me! I absolutely love doing some plot outlines over Discord. Thanks for looking!