Worst/Weirdest Roleplaying Experiences

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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
Jun 12, 2019
neither here nor there.
We've all had them at one time or another. Whether it was a partner who went off the rails and took your roleplay someplace crazy, a bad experience at another roleplaying forum/server/etc., or something you did in the process of learning how to roleplay that left you embarrassed and your partner a little bit confused. I want to know about all of it!

Before we begin: This is NOT a thread to bash other roleplayers or websites. You can speak about your negative and/or strange experiences without calling out others directly. Please avoid names when telling your stories. (If your worst or weirdest experience involves someone on this site, best to not mention it at all. This thread is not meant to embarrass anyone or make someone feel badly.) This thread is purely about YOU and YOUR EXPERIENCES (and me maybe laughing and/or sympathizing with those experiences).

So tell me, what are some of your worst or weirdest roleplaying experiences?
I have a few experiences that all kind of rank as equal. Admittedly these have been learning experiences for me too, as some better inquiry on my part would definitely have helped in some circumstances.

1. There have been instances where people have messaged me for a roleplay related to one of my plots, and thus I assumed they had read my rules and requirements about things like post length, likes, dislikes, etc. I write some 5 to 7 paragraph starter and get a one or two sentence reply... it is like WTF. Very irritating to say the least. I usually talk to them calmly, but it almost never works out after that.

2. Submissives trying to be dominant. I don't know how in the blue hell I got a reputation in the past for being a good writer, I still don't think mine is great but I am a harsh critic of my own work, but people would want to write with me for some reason. Well I can tell you from experience not many female writers or people writing female characters, are dominant, but they were willing to try and I was desperate enough to give them a shot. This generally ended with dead muses, other people getting priority responses over me, and abandoned roleplays. Needless to say it has always been frustrating.

3. Last, but not least, politics in chats on other sites. I am a big fan of the no political conversations/chats that most sites have since the drama and conflict, along with my loyalties, make it better to not have around.
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I'm a people pleaser. I just want people to enjoy themselves with me. That's been something that has been taken advantage of in the past.

Also having partners that I've been close to for so long and had such a close interpersonal connection with just abandon me.

It's roouugghhh.
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First big forum RP site I joined, I had someone approach me to ask about an rp. They seemed literate and polite, which checked off all my must-haves. It started innocent enough. You know, that simple "hi, do you want to rp?" "oh sure, what'd you have in mind?" sort of exchange. I wasn't fully prepared at the time for what this person wanted.

They came at my innocent question with a vicious sort of lust that left me not only confused, but intrigued and disturbed at the same time. Now, to preface, I am not typically a squeamish person, nor am I a prude. Sexual stuff doesn't really bother me. It was just how abrupt and heavy it got right out of the gate. They asked for, approximately (it's been like 7 years now), "I want to RP werewolves but where YC knots MC and doesn't let up". And that's cleaner than I remember it being asked for. It was aggressively sexual, blatant and worded in such a way that I couldn't even bring myself to respond. I just kind of left it there and tried to parse the mentality of going from 0 to 70 like that with a total stranger.

I've since learned that's much more normal than not, but I still qualify it as my most bizarre experience.
I just want people to enjoy themselves with me. That's been something that has been down in the dumps in terms of luck when I was able to do it more seriously when I turned 18.
Also having partners that I've been close to for so long on one site just abandon me while adding in ignored, ghosted and blocked for no real reason.
It's terrible because it's like my interests and what i look for is so different and yet I feel I'm a target for it in the worse ways possible just because my interests doesn't align with everyone else's.