The Auto-Monster!!

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"Multiple is a house of the best of the best."

Right. Okay then. This is more interesting than I thought it would be.

Next word is "Bottles" with the last option only.
Bottles PM that would make the best of them a bit too expensive.


"While" with the middle option ^_^
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"While the others were not a medic in a very small town."

Alright, that makes no sense to me, and is only a sentence fragment if I am reading it correctly.

"Grand" with the last (right) option.
Baby I love it was almost a month ago and I was just wondering if I could get a job in the same bed


well I guess the new word will be Wonder
Let's bring this game back from the dead, shall we? It looks too fun to sit in the graveyard!

"Tease you know when you're done with your warm introduction to the store he was going after work and the kids and a good time"

Anyone want a warm introduction to a store?

Next word: [Pineapples] in the pattern Left Middle Right Middle Left Middle Right etc.
This should be interesting so let's give it a go! Also warm introductions are always welcome.

Pineapples and the kids are in my favorite place for my kids and my grandparents have been here for about five hours.

lol I guess my phone didn't register pineapples as a fruit! Anywho, the next word is 'dream'.
" Dream is okay with the fact it burns up the candy bar in heaven "

Well...there is a candy bar in I'm choosing the word "Butterfinger" , 3rd / right option
" Butterfinger has no problem me with any other stuff and I'm sorry I'm so happy "

I apologize for being happy, I guess...

Word: Whimsical, middle option
I'm at it again!

"Whimsical is the only person that has ever gotten me out here and gl is so rude to her"

Shoutout to Miss Whimsical for getting me out of here :/

Word is Tesla, 2nd option then 3rd option, repeat

" Dysfunctional and gl guys are not really interested in the fact that we are both in heaven "

Well, Gl guys and I are in heaven...maybe it's with that candy bar?

(Scroll up for reference, IF YOU GOT IT BEFORE, WE DON'T DESERVE YOU :emoji_cherry_blossom:)

Next word is exams, third option

"No, it's not the case with anyone in my business, and it's a nice thing, boomer."

okay child, anyways, so.....

NEXT WORD WILL BE "TOAST" and third/right option.

Bonus points if the word "bread" comes up in it!