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I came in and made myself at home and didn't even introduce myself! D: So ill mannered!

Howdy, Umbra! My name's Sunshine Kitti! I am from the great heart shaped state in the US! I come from a looooong history of roleplaying and existing online in general, but have recently gotten into forums so this will be my third that I've actually gotten a chance to hang around in! I'm already really looking forward to getting to know y'all and create some fantastic stories <3

I'm an open book, so ask me anything if you want! Or, just shout all over my profile. I don't care :D

Ohh nooooo haha;; It's okay, we can just be good rivals!

I play all kinds of stuff! I've been recently rediscovering my niche for gaming since I have spurts of free time where I can just run through something. I'm gonna get a Switch come October, I think. Just to be ready for new releases and I'd really like to play Breath of the Wild and Mario Party too. I have a PS4, so I most recently played through Detroit: Become Human which has such a compelling universe, like. Oh man, do I want to write things inspired by that world. I also love collector games like Slime Rancher, and I love watching Horror Let's Plays on Youtube since I am far too nervous to do it myself. But horror games are so much fun to look at!

Okay, your turn. What are you playing right now? :D
@Sunshine Kitti

we'll be the best of rivals, trust!

Oh cool, cool! I've been honestly contemplating getting a switch or even just the switch lite for a hot sec.
but so far i have a 3ds and I've touched it very minimally to be quite honest lol. one of my friends has one
and he also has the breath of the wild as well, it's a breathtaking game (pun intended), but every time I try to
get from point a to point b and i ask him how, he's just "don't worry about it" like good sir i am clearly worrying
about it!

i've been meaning to watch the playthrough for detroit becomes human! my short visits to tumblr is p
much everyone screaming their heads off about it. i also have a couple games ive been trying to get,
but some of them are like xbox console savvy so i need to set up my emulator (i cri)

tbh slime rancher looks so cute, and usually im not too into horror games but i own a few on steam (free week,
cyber monday, etc). on one occasion i played resident evil 2 with my friends through parasec, one controlled
the mouse and the other controlled the keyboard, it was hilarious. i also played like two horror rooms through
gmod, safe to say my friends are completely blind and are pussies kekeke.

currently, i play league of legends almost daily (not even ranked kek), and maplestory 2 as well as overcooked 2.
i only have like two friends on steam who own overcooked 2, but they usually play ranked league or warframe
so the struggle is real.
Don't worry, the best experiences are when you barge in and nest like you belong and have been here the entire time.

That sounds and feels right. I think I'll stay a while~

@baman begins - Yoooo, I love Overcooked, even though I only have the first one. It's haaard haha! I also know a lot of people who play League but unfortunately, I don't have the patience or desire to learn. There's just far too much that goes on in my day to day to surrender time to it lol my friends actually just did a tournament for it!

I would recommend playing Detroit for yourself first before watching anyone else play. It's one of those games where there can be so many possibilities.

Also like, if you want more Steam friends, let me know? :D
@Sunshine Kitti I got mine when Overcooked 2 released for like ... $12 dollars. My friend group was supposed to all get it but ... we out here with only three people.
Oh yeah man, League is totally a dedication heavy game considering the games are usually from 30 min to an hour-long, I don't blame you.

And ah yeah, that's understandable. First impression is usually best from your own perspective, but I literally only have a 3ds. My stepdad owns a PSP 3 but he's been meaning to upgrade soon so maybe kekeke

BRUH, hit me up with your ign. Will add instantly.