New Site Themes Available

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Jun 12, 2019
neither here nor there.
New Umbra Themes

Hello Umbranites! As mentioned in our August Site Update, I have been working on doing some edits on a new default theme for the site. In our search, Nyctibius and I also discovered a few new themes we enjoyed and have decided to add those to the site while also discarding some of our less-used themes.

Our new Default Theme, Umbra, is a dark gray theme with soft teal accents. We are also introducing two new light themes, Carbon and Tungsten, to replace the two light themes we are getting rid of (Penumbra and Calm).

Below you can take a preview at our new themes (click on one of the images to see the larger version)!

umbranew1.png carbon.png tungsten.png

If you are not feeling our new default theme, don't worry! We still have the old one available for everyone under the name Drift Dark. If you'd like to change your theme back to Drift Dark, simply go to the user menu, click on "Preferences" and select Drift Dark from the Style options.

If you notice any coloration issues/glitches with these new themes, please let me know in our Report Site Bugs forum. Sometimes it can be tough to catch every single issue with new themes, so any help you all provide is much appreciated!

As a heads up, here are some glitches I've already discovered that I am working on fixing (or just... ignoring if they're not that big a deal):


1. Has a strange green strip over the user avatar in the navigation bar. This is not a stylistic choice, it is a glitch, but one that has zero effect on the functionality of the theme.​
2. On mobile only, the little red alerts balloon will not pop up (it looks like it isn't coded into the theme itself). Slide-down notifications will still occur when you sign in via mobile, and you can still access all your notifications by clicking on the user menu.​

1. Sometimes pre-selected fonts on posts made prior to Carbon being installed will not display properly (e.g. if you chose to write your thread in the "Satisfy" font it may only show as the default font). After testing, it looks like all new posts made after Carbon was installed will display the chosen fonts correctly.​

1. "Age Verified" check marks do not show up on this theme. I believe something in the Tungsten CSS is interfering with the coding of the Verified Add On. This has zero effect on the functionality of the theme.​
All in all, it looks like Flat Awesome and Flat Awesome Dark are the only perfect themes but hey, what can you do. We hope you all enjoy these new themes (or, if not... we tried)!


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