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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
I haven't roleplayed in quite some time, but recently I had joined a server on discord that is sci-fi oriented. Now I'm kind of excited to get back into the swing of things.
But since they're sci-fi and I am interested in all different types of roleplays, I decided to go on a search to find one that's open to many ideas.
I generally go by oohGator in all my Games (and apparently my role-playing as well). I have two snakes. Uhhh -- I'm a female, if that even matters?
I typically enjoy MxM roleplays, but I am open to all of them. BUT the reason I'm here is because I recently discovered my undying love for Norwegian characters (vikings) and medieval in general.
I enjoy fantasy (you can ask me for furry roleplays and ill do it), vampires, werewolves, fairies, mermaids, etc. Doesn't matter.
I will even do Fandoms (as long as I know it)
Realistic, futuristic...
Let me emphasis on how open I am to different ideas. I'm just excited to get back into writing.
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Welcome, oohGator! Love to see and meet new people who are into all kinds of genres. I like writing all kinds of things myself and prefer not to lock myself down into just one thing.

Sounds like you're a pretty flexible writer! I hope you'll get up to some amazing stories here with us.