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Hello back in the saddle

Hello everyone!

After a hiatus from roleplaying, I'm excited to be back and eager to connect with new writing partners.
I'm no stranger to the world of roleplay - in fact, I've been indulging in this hobby for what feels like an eternity, traversing various forums along the way.

During my time away, I realized how much I missed the collaborative aspect of roleplaying. There's a unique joy in building a story together, bouncing ideas off each other, and watching our characters come to life.

Now, I've landed here, hopeful that this forum is active and welcoming. It's so refreshing to find such a creative and engaging place.

My stories span across different genres, but my heart particularly beats for Historical Fiction.
I often like to sprinkle in a dash of fantasy or mystery to add depth to the characters and plotlines.

I look forward to getting to know new people!
Hello and welcome, apollo!


Coming back to roleplaying from a hiatus is always an exciting experience. I'm totally bias but I'd say you found a wonderful community to scratch that collaborative itch -- we have some great writers around these parts!

Hope you find awesome partners and great stories here. Happy writing~

We are so happy to have you aboard on the umbra express! Make sure all arms and legs and luggage are in! Such as checking out the site rules. Happy traveling into the world of roleplay! If you have any questions, our friendly conductors are happy to answer!