Anyone here know TeriyakiChicken1020 outside of umbra?

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Sleeping Umbran 383

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Galactic Lolipop The Celestial Sweet of Celebration
Dec 5, 2019
This might be a bit of weird post to make but like the title says does anyone here know TeriyakiChicken1020 outside of umbra? I ask because he and I used to rp together a few months ago until I ended up abandoning our thread and he just contacted me again a little over a week ago to ask if I was still interested in rping but unfortunately I saw the message too late and ended up replying too late because I rarely get on here anymore since I don't have any reason to.I also didn't get a notification from gmail because gmail keeps marking emails from umbra as spam when they're not and I rarely check my gmail for the same reason I rarely get on umbra anymore.Anyways all of this is to say that I ended up replying the day after the last time he was on here which was last friday.I've been patient but with it having been a little over a week I feel like he might have given up on me replying and hasn't been on because of that and I don't want to give up just yet because I would love to rp with him again but I have no other way of contacting him besides umbra which is useless when he hasn't been on and probably won't be on again for a long while.So I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knows him outside of umbra and has a way to contact him outside of umbra could contact him and let him know I responded to his message and would love to continue rping with him.

TLDR: If you know TeriyakiChicken1020 outside of umbra and have a way to contact him outside of umbra I would greatly appreciate it if you could contact him for me and let him know I responded to his message.
Bump.If anyone who does know TeriyakiChicken1020 outside of this website sees this please let me know just so I know if a message did get to him.I'd really like to roleplay with him again and this is sort of an unconventional (Which I mean who cares if it's unconventional and strange.If it works then great) last ditch effort to try and let him know that.