A wizard is never late...

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. And here he is. Call me the Wizard. I'm a 35 year old man living in Appalachia where the wild things are. My favorite things are heavy metal, but I like more than just that, singing, art, nature, my dogs, and studying. I've been studying religion, mythology and philosophy for years. I'm as passionate about that as I am singing. I've recorded some music with local bands and friends. Anyway... I also enjoy world building, writing and sharing my imagination with others. I haven't role played in nearly a decade, but I am ready to jump back into it. Please continue for a little bit about my interests and what you can expect.

I am literate. I write a lot. I like when you write a lot. I think we should probably write a lot. High fantasy is my absolute favorite setting. That doesn't mean I won't do other things. I really enjoy an imaginative story with interesting characters, and I will do what it takes to please you. Count on that. I'm wildly interested in werewolves, or just wolves in general. Knights, paladins, dragons, elves and fairies, demons and dark lords, enchanted accessories and whatever else you can imagine. I've got loads of ideas filed away in my mind from years ago, and I'd love to see some of those become really engaging games while I'm here.

I am looking to role play with an intelligent, literate and imaginative female around my own age. I am very mellow and easy to get along with, and also enjoy OOC chatter. I work long hours, and frequently, but I'm never going to be too busy for you. If you respect me, I'll respect you, and if we can make time for each other, that's great. I work overnight shifts, so I may be an ideal partner for someone on the opposite side of the world, or just another night owl like me. I'm happy to befriend you and lend an ear if you just need someone to talk to. Honesty, respect and kindness are what I'm all about. I can't wait to meet some of you and get to know you, as well as get involved in some co-creation with you. Don't be afraid to approach me to discuss stories, or even just to chat. I welcome all of you.

Please feel free to send private messages! Still learning to navigate this site. Can't wait to hear from you!

The Wizard
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Welcome to Umbra! ♥ I'm glad you chose us to get back to RP. Getting back on it after a while can be tricky, finding new partners and all that, but it also comes with the nice stuff you mentioned above; the world building and plotting. I feel that sometimes the plotting and writing character bios is at least as much fun as the actual roleplaying - if not more. There's lots of different types of writers here, and I'm sure you'll find a suitable partner soon! ♥
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