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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hi! I'm hero.

I'm a thirty-six year old gal that resides in europe. Currently, I am a stay at home mom to my little munchkin. I have been writing off and on for about twenty years now. I enjoy plotting and coming up with awesome stories from scratch. Gimme the drama and juicy plot twists!

Genres and themes I enjoy are: dark romance, slice of life, supernatural, modern fantasy, drama, antiheroes, forbidden relationships, star crossed lovers, reincarnation, first loves reuniting, just to name a few.

I consider myself lazy-lit as of right now. Up to 600 words a post is probably all I can manage. But that's not without actions, details, character thoughts/feelings, and all those juicy tidbits. I adore immersing myself in my stories, I just dont have time and brain power to write novella anymore.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now before this gets lengthy, haha. Thanks for reading!

We are so happy to have you aboard the umbra express! Make sure all arms and legs and luggage are in! Such as checking out the site rules. Happy traveling into the world of roleplay! If you have any questions, our friendly conductors are happy to answer!
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