Your Current Obsession

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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts

I figure most of us have experienced weird fixations - be they roleplay-related, seasonal, or just something that hooked the right place at the right time.

What's your current obsession?

Mine is gardening. Succulents and indoor gardening specifically. I've had ambitions of getting off the grid for, well, forever, but for now: did you know some succulents are edible? : )))
My current obsessions are:

1. catching up in Critical Role. I'm on episode 61 of 92 or 93??? I binge watch and listen a lot so this is my current binge.

2. creating my rp. There's a lot of work I've done for it but do much more to do. I'm so hyped about it that it cannot he contained.

3. creating my personal Craft. I've mentioned at some point that I've been looking into ~~witchcraft~~ as a self care tool. It's pretty fun and allows me to express my creativity in different ways as well as take coping and stress relief techniques and have a focus that doesn't make me frustrated.
My current obsession are weird mashup songs I find on youtube. Its gotten to a point where a majority of the songs I listen to are mashups.
and that being said-
my other obsession is creating unique things. I always like to give my takes on things a unique flavor. If I made a werewolf character, I'd try to find a way to make it "CNJ's werewolf," instead of just the public domain werewolf we're all familiar with.
My favorite artists and huge inspirations are Bwusagi on instagram, and Deerchip on tumblr (NSFW). The way they design monsters + characters in general is so *Chefs Kiss* I'd like to be able to be that ambitious with my designs some day.

Anyway, one of the aformentioned mashups I am currently listening to.
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My current obsession are weird mashup songs I find on youtube. Its gotten to a point where a majority of the songs I listen to are mashups.
and that being said-
my other obsession is creating unique things. I always like to give my takes on things a unique flavor. If I made a werewolf character, I'd try to find a way to make it "CNJ's werewolf," instead of just the public domain werewolf we're all familiar with.
My favorite artists and huge inspirations are Bwusagi on instagram, and Deerchip on tumblr (NSFW). The way they design monsters + characters in general is so *Chefs Kiss* I'd like to be able to be that ambitious with my designs some day.

Anyway, one of the aformentioned mashups I am currently listening to.

I'm definitely trash for some remixes, so I feel you there.

I think/hope? we all find a way to make our writing our own. We'll never be the best imitation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, who was written with some douchebag's person's specific mannerisms in mind, but someone like Leslie Nelson and his team can add their own memorable spins to it.
Look at all of you creative people, DO ET! @Nevermind DO ET! Do your own designs and flaunt them at us! And share the patterns maybe for us who aren't that amazing at crochet. ^^'

I've sunken into that Twilight hole I was talking about earlier, give me all your trashy Twilight content! The trashier the better.
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my current obsession is horror movies, obviously. I been into Slasher films since I was like 14 to 15 years old . It is just a challenge at times to find rp partners who are into that kind of thing. So sometimes I feel like a lone Wolf really.. it does get lonely here and it seems like misery likes company which is generally part of the reason why scary movies make me feel better.
Cuckolding but not in the usual form where the cuck is watching, gets humiliated etc. I am more interested in something where he doesn't watch at all. Something that is perhaps even brought up by the woman. Lots of ways it could happen one possibility is a married woman who decides she is going to work as a prostitute for example.

I tend to be story orientated so I am interested in the discussions the couple have around how the cuckolding or one way open relationship if you prefer is going to work etc How they feel about it all and how they feel about it after wards and how it effects them etc.
One of my main interests is CFNM. The man is naked the woman isn't. The man never sees the woman naked, even if she is his girlfriend or wife! I like the double standard of it and of course it can be tied into (or not) with various other kinks and types of scenarios and stories. Some of those stories might be simpler some more complex.

RP wise I like story, even if it is a simple plot. Character development, conflict and dilemma's and characters being at odds in some way with what they are doing. I like getting into the minds and hearts of the characters.

There are lots of variations as to how it might play out. See my RT in my Sig if you are curious.

Another one is sex for money. Especially if the one being paid or offered money has never done that before or isn't the type to do it.

I like conflict and moral dilemmas rather than characters just taking to something as if it's no big deal.