What’s your favorite ___?

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It's always nice to share what your favorite this and that is. It's a good way to see what you have in common with others. So this thread is here to share what your favorites are and ask about another's favorite!

How this works:

I will ask a "What's your favorite ____" question.
Answer the question, and then include your own question at the end of your post.
the next person that responds will answer your question and ask one themselves.
And so in and so forth.

What's your favorite movie?
Oy, this is a tough question! I don't know if I have a definitive "favorite" movie, but I do have a list of favorites. I can list the first five movies that pop into my head when this question is asked:

Pan's Labyrinth, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, V for Vendetta, Amélie, 500 Days of Summer

For the next amazing person to answer: Who's your favorite author?
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(Favorite movie is so hard. I have to do it by genre whenever I'm asked. But I wasn't, so it will remain a mystery.)

My favorite author, once upon a time, was Terry Brooks. I still love his work, his novels are fantastic and the world he built will forever be one near and dear to my heart. But I made the mistake of meeting him. Terry Brooks is an asshole. Don't meet your heroes.

That said, it's a bit of a tossup for me between Brian Jaques and Stephen King. Yeah. Hell of a disparity there.

Who is your favorite actor/actress, or inversely, who can't you stand?
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As this is particularly a favorites thread, I will stick to that. Positivity for the win!

My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio, hands down. I will watch literally any movie with him in it. There are others I also love: Emma Stone, Lupita Nyong'o, Al Pacino circa 1970s-80s, Ezra Miller, Sigourney Weaver. Others.

What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
I have a pair of sweatpants that my sister got me years ago that says "cranky pants" down the leg. I love wearing my cranky pants around. If I recall, they also had things like "sassy pants" and so on. But yeah, they're worn in and perfect.

What's your favorite nonalcoholic beverage?
Cherry pepsi. Or Ginger Ale. Especially those since I can add rum for the added affect of -50 emotional pain.

What is your favourite dessert item?
If I had to pick my favorite fried food it'd be Chicken easily

what is your favorite Marvel Comics villain
Though Blair is proberly more qualified for this one since she's all about those super people I'll take a stab; Magneto based on the movies. His goal, while in itself morally bad, is understanding. He's a relatable villan who's had people mistreat him since childhood from the Waffen SS in a concentration camp to humans thinking they're all that great with their lack of projected fire and mind bullets.

He's an angry man and his antagonistic relationship with an old friend, Charles, is both ripe for witty banter and heart breaking drama as they opted for two very different paths.

What's your favourite book series? Probably already asked but fuck it.
The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. Fucking amazing. It's a long, very involved high fantasy nobledark kind of story. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes strong character development and story depth.

What is your favorite Digimon or Pokemon?
Voltorb. I like a pokemon that can make a politcal statement.


Favourite sci-fi universe and why?
Black Adder, naturally. Cuttingly dry. Despite being too young to have seen it in its hay-day I also enjoy Spitting Image.

What's your favourite coconut bearing swallow?
My favorite color is crimson as it's the color of blood and the color of my favorite collage football team

What's you favorite Animal