The Thread of Unpopular Opinions

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I don't like spicy food. Why stuff something in your mouth that makes it feel like you just shoved hot boiling magma in your face?
I think that the MCU has turned something that could have been amazing into expensive trash, and prefer to stick and follow the 616 universe because it typically doesn't leave me as disappointed as miscasting, stupid character death, and out-of-character potrayals does (which is usually why people die, because smart characters are dumb all of the sudden).

Also, I don't like MCU Captain America. It's a huge thing.
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I don't find Harry Potter interesting or moving. I've watched better magical school anime, tbh. None of the named characters are remotely interesting, and the only reason half of them are memorable is because of how ridiculously stupid they are with their "specialty" magic.
Just a reminder, unpopular opinions don't have to be negative, y'all! I appreciate everyone participating and it is absolutely awesome to see all of your thoughts! That said, this thread isn't meant to be a hatesink, just a place to get weird/silly thoughts off your chest.

Feel free to share some of your positive opinions, too. Talk about things you LOVE that few other people might, not just things you hate that everyone else loves. For example:

I think Ke$ha is a very talented performer with a knack for writing catchy, cheeky music and deserves more recognition than the average pop star.
I think plain is almost always better than "with the works".

(See, it's because I don't like my food to be excessively wet or abruptly cold. When I crave a hot burger I don't want a big wet cold tomato slice or a limp weird grassy lettuce leaf on the sumbitch. I want cheese, hot beef, and toasted bread. Preferably sesame seed or kaiser bread. Becon optional. No sauces, either, I'll dip if I want sauce.)
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The only thing I like Subway is a untoasted flatbread sub with tuna, tomatos and vinegar. I realize that this is weird, but I can't help but to love it.
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