The Tabletop Tea

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
Do you like Tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, Warhammer, Shadowrun, etc? Did you ever think about trying it out but don't know where to start? Have you been playing for a while?

WELL HELLO NEW AND OLD, I would like to welcome you to a place where you can gather, chat, discuss! Want to try and find a group to game with? Or just wanna gab about what happened in session? Maybe you want to ask some questions about things you don't understand or need clarification? Chat here!

I welcome you to rant and rave about the characters you made or the things that happened in the games you played. Show us some art. Some us some screenshots or pictures!

Got any ideas in your head that you want to share or want opinions on? Let us know!

Let all us nerds come together and be merry~
So wrote this back in December 2020 for a campaign I didn't even up doing because my players decided they didn't want to do fey shit, and like same I wasn't feeling it . . . so I'm dropping it here! Basically I run homebrews without humans, had to come up with an explanation for their disappearance and bring changinglings into my world . . . and this bullshit I wrote! Wurd!

Millennia ago the severed head of Angharad (Ang-Harrad) fell from a rift in the sky where it was found by humans, an ancient race said to have worshiped the beautiful visage and ritualistically drank the ever flowing blood that poured from its neck. The blood gave humans what would become the source of magic in Clíodhna (KLEE-u-na), but for the humans it drove them to a state of madness that would end their entire race as they knew it.

The story goes that a shaman named Adalheidis with the last of her sanity thought that she could be the one to control Angharad and bring peace back to the minds of her people. When she approached the temple of Angharad the last of Adalheidis' mind shattered and in the throws of insanity she tore her own head from its body. Then continued to walk through the temple of Angharad, screaming so loudly that every human echoed her agony like a symphony of deranged voices empowering her every step till she reached the chamber of Angharad, where she placed the severed head of the fey goddess on her shoulders. Finally giving Angharad the body she needed and losing Adalheidis and human kind everything. To the sound of human suffering Angharad instantly mutated the last of the human race infected by her blood into elves; stabilizing the wild fey magic they consumed into a source of power for Angharad.

Centuries would pass as the elves fought to contain the furious, wild magic of Angharad, who was then so powerful that she single handedly held the elven people at bay while also fighting off the assassins that Oberon sent to the material plane to stop her attempts to return to the Fey wild.

With no hope of stopping Angharad and their numbers dwindling, the elves used the last of their numbers and now long cultivated magical skills to tear small rifts into each of the outer planes infecting Clíodhna with new magic not born of Angharad. The chaos gave the last of the elves the power needed to push against Angharad's defenses. Giving Ishild a doppelganger sent by Oberon with the blade of Cyneburg, the opportunity needed to cleave Angharad's head from her body once again, cauterizing the wound so no blood could flow and infect the land. Angharad's body and head were then buried deep within two separate tombs under the earth.

And as the elven people began to recover, they also began to mutate as the magic of the outer planes infected the various clans turning them into the various races we know today. Leaving humans and Angharad to fade into myth and legend.

Ishild and blade of Cyneburg were left on Clíodhna, to help defend the realm if Angharad were to ever be released. But with no contact or way to return to the FeyWilds Ishild and her company of doppelgangers were left to keep their kind alive. As a necessity the doppelgangers began to interbreed with the last of the pure elves, creating their descendants the changelings as we know them.​