The Darkness Within

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Stories full of Mystery (Read below for details).

Sleeping Umbran 186

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Sep 7, 2019
I am a moderately good writer, it has been a few years since I have written anything and wanted to get back into writing. I am looking for people who like to write with me and are open to new stories. I am usually free on weekends and on wensdays or fridays but mostly because I have to go to school, I write paragraphs and or one liners depending on the flow of the story. I am open to constructive criticism as well as any ideas any person may have for the stories I have in mind. I was hoping for a group to write with because I have a few characers in mind for this story and am open for any one to make their own characters to add into the mix.

Story: Living in an old town can be daugnting especially if every person has known each other since birth. Naomi Kelia has known her best friend since she can remember, and they both love scary movie marathons and horror festivals. It is because of this that other people think that they do not belong. Those that are apart of the rich, influential, or "popular" group take it upon themselves to put these 'weirdos' in their place by inviting them to an overnight party at the end of school. While they go to the party, disaster strikes in the most scary movie way possible and now all horror film character are real and out to harm whomever they can. It is up to the combined forces of these individuals to stop them, but the catch is that whenever someone does the oposite of the common movie troupes (i.e. running out of the house that the creature is in) the group wakes up exactly where it all began (like the movie ground hog day), these people have to not only face their fears but also the unexpected.

Anyways, thank you for looking at my post. If you want to disscuss anything please leave a comment. I will meantion any characters in a disscusion if you would like to use them but do feel free to create your own. Some of the monsters are inspired by characters like chucky, freddie cugger, jason, and others. Thanks again!
I might have a perfect character for the "Best Friend" role.