The Blessed

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Fantastical Stories (Read for details).

Sleeping Umbran 2956

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
The Celestial Sweet of Celebration
Jan 14, 2022
All questions for this should be directed to my inbox, please and thank you! FAQ will go on the bottom if I get asked more than once. (Also this is my first time hosting an RP in a while please be nice...)

A supernaturally-charged world of magic and wonder awaits you! There are witches, humans with innate magic that can be channeled through wands, potions, incantations, and even their own hands, given enough skill. Vampires, undead who possess unnatural sensitivities, strength, speed, invisibility, and of course, immortality. Were-animals of all types, cursed humans who change into their half-animal form based on extreme emotion or the phase of the moon. Ents, sphinxes, shapeshifters, spirits, unicorns, trolls, goblins, elves, the list of magical creatures is quite literally endless!

But of course, the ones who are truly special, the ones who keep everyone in check, are the Blessed.

The Blessed are a subspecies of human who have unbelievable abilities, even in a world full of magic. They use these abilities to be the natural lawbringers of this world. This has created what some may interpret as an unhealthy power dynamic, as many of the Blessed abuse their authority and numbers to get whatever they desire. Their origins are rumored to be of the heavens, a detail they rely upon heavily in their reasoning and marketing. No one has ever succesfully proven or disproven this, as no heavenly bodies have been seen for a long, long time.

Perhaps this could soon change...

The following is a list of the four most common Blessed abilities, and their available counters.

Primary Blessing: Strength- The ability to move objects and organisms up to 10,000 times the Blessed's mass.

Secondary Blessings: Speed- Heightened muscle ability means faster movement, up to 475 mph.

Fortitude- Stonger muscles are accompanied by stronger bones and tougher skin, able to withstand blunt force up to 4,800 pounds, piercing force up to 3,600.

Blessing Vulnerability: Synthesized by witches in the 1840's, a Blessed with the Strength Blessing can be weakened to normal human strength with a bottle of "Atrophy". Depending on the incantations spoken while brewing, this can also neutralize the Blessed's Secondary Blessings.

Primary Blessing: Telepathy- The ability to "read" and comprehend thoughts from any living organism.

Secondary Blessings: Thought Tracing- A strong thought can be traced back to its' original thinker, following a type of "thought signature" all thinking organisms possess.

Organism Awareness- Being aware of any and all organisms capable of thought within a certain radius of the Blessed, depending on sensitivity and brain activity.

Blessing Vulnerability: "Tele-blockers" have been available through Witch Markets since 1923, taking the form of a line of enchanted hats and later, an entire brand of enchanted accessories. A Blessed with the Telepathy Blessing cannot accurately read the mind of a possessor of a Tele-blocker. Depending on authenticity and range, this may also make the Blessed's Secondary Blessings impossible to use against them.

Primary Blessing: Pyromancy- The ability to manipulate and produce sparks, heat, and/or fire. It is impossible to extinguish a fire started by a Blessed with the Pyromancy Blessing through non-magical means.

Secondary Blessings: Burn Immunity- The Blessed's body is unable to be burned by temperatures below 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This does not extend to the Blessed's clothes or hair, which must be covered or removed to prevent damage.

Heat Transference- Able to heat any object or organism through touch or conductive surface to any temperature below 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blessing Vulnerability: "Insta-Ice", created in 1932, is an enchanted brew with dry ice as the base made especially with the Pyromancy Blessing in mind. It is illegal to sell in the Witch Markets as of 1971 as it can fully freeze any who touch it, though it is still available through the Midnight Markets. A weaker cooling brew dubbed "Icewater" was marketed as an alternative in 1972.

Primary Blessing: Telekinesis- Able to move multiple objects and organisms up to 400,000 pounds in total.

Secondary Blessings: "Flight"- The Blessed can move themselves and other organisms and objects through space in a way that resembles flight, able to gather speed up to 200 mph.

Reassembly/ Disassembly- Any object can be reassembled/ disassembled in a matter of seconds provided the Blessed knows what the finished product should look like/ all parts involved in its construct.

Blessing Vulnerability: Many clothes sold in the Witch Markets carry an anti-lift enchantment (AL on most labels) that is activated upon a Blessed with the Telekinesis Blessing attempting to use it against someone wearing them. It creates a horrific feedback loop of the Blessed's own beta waves, amplifying them until released.
I find this interesting, will we be limited to just these four or are we allowed to create more?
I find this interesting, will we be limited to just these four or are we allowed to create more?

You are absolutely welcome to come up with your own! Just be sure to run it by my inbox first, okay? I just need to verify that everything is balanced before it's official.

Oh yeah, and you, of course, can play a Blessed, but be aware that they are mostly insufferable, power-hungry humans. If you wish to play a protaganist, it will be much harder to do as a Blessed unless you hide from your own kind.

Feel free to ask questions and throw ideas out there! I will not discourage roleplayer creativity so long as it plays well with the balance.
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You are absolutely welcome to come up with your own! Just be sure to run it by my inbox first, okay? I just need to verify that everything is balanced before it's official.

Oh yeah, and you, of course, can play a Blessed, but be aware that they are mostly insufferable, power-hungry humans. If you wish to play a protaganist, it will be much harder to do as a Blessed unless you hide from your own kind.

Feel free to ask questions and throw ideas out there! I will not discourage roleplayer creativity so long as it plays well with the balance.
Nice. *thumbs up*