The Beginning of the End An Invincible Forum

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Stories full of Action and Adventure (Read below for details).

Sleeping Umbran 1569

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Aug 3, 2021
The basic concept of this forum is: What if Omni-Man never had a son? This, meaning that when he killed the Guardians of the Globe, and eventually prepared Earth to join the Viltrumite Empire there was no Mark to appeal to his humanity. New heroes have to stand and fight for the sake of the Earth and all that it symbolizes. The roleplay will start with Nolan's (Omni-Man's) murder of the Guardians of the Globe. He is expecting a child to be born, and is waiting for this to happen and for the baby to become space travel ready before he takes over the Earth, giving said planet a 2-year timer or so. Rise in place of Invincible, protect the world from the various threats that come to belittle peace and stop the eventual conqueror.

The Roleplay Proper
The roleplay will be, as per the guidelines of the site, 18+. While erotic stuff is allowed of course, it will not be the main purpose of the forum. Furthermore, there are various characters from the comic and series that will be allowed to be claimed; however, the animated show will take precedence here, as personally, I believe the pacing and story elements to be handled better and more organically. There will be a discord to join in which we can chat, submit character sheets, and a more in-depth rules list will be posted for everyone interested. This will also be a place where you can discuss theories, characters, and the plot OOC.

There is no general limit for how many participants I want here, but I need at least three people: Please join the discord if you're interested, thank you for your time.