Sticky thread?

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Aug 11, 2019
Hiiii lovelies~!

If the answer to this is no and then it's feasible to be done, is it possible for regular members to make a sticky thread? Or is that staff only?

I kinda wanna make a thread where I just tell people how much I love them every day (a la my "Rei"minders, but only a VERY SPECIAL PERSON GETS THOSE), or just a positive day thing - but I want it to be a place to look, not necessarily talk?

I could just make it a rule to not post but I don't want that to fuck up bump rules and whatnot.

I pass it off to y'all. I'm gucci with whatever the answer is. But inquiring mind wants to know!
Sticky threads can only be made by staff. We reserve stickied threads for only site-wide related threads we want to be made available and convenient to access for anyone. If members were able to sticky any thread, it would defeat the purpose of having those stickied threads in the first place, unfortunately.

Although having a thread where you share positive notes to everyone is an awesome idea, stickying/locking individual threads for members can lead down the slippery slope of having to do it for everyone, which again kinda defeats the purpose.

If you would like to make a thread where people don't really post, using your Journal to make a thread like that would be the most effective. As Journals are a place where other members are discouraged from posting in Journals not belonging to them unless otherwise stated by the owner of said Journal, it would achieve the purpose you're looking for.

Typically people only have one Journal per user, but since few people actually utilize the Journal section, I personally wouldn't be too mad if you made a separate thread for joy-spreading.