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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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About me
-Very Active
-I only play female roles unless we double up on characters
-Ghost Friendly
-I like to add pictures to my replies to spice things up
-Realistic face claims only, I have nothing against animated pictures I just like realistic better
-Character sheets are a must for me

Cop x Cop
Mafia Boss x Girl
Hybrid x Wolf
Arranged Marriage
Brothers Best Friend x Sister
Bad Boy x Good Girl
Rich x Middle Class
Preachers Daughter x Trouble Maker
Demon x Angel
Demon hunter x Angel or Demon
Hybrid x Girl
Mafia Boss x Cop
Roommate x Roommate
Old Friend x Old Friend
Singer x Fan
Ex x Ex
Model x Bad Boy
Witch x Hybrid or Vampire


The Babysitter
Muse A is a single dad and Muse B is a cloth designer, Muse B goes over to Muse A's home due to her being hired to make him a special suit for a very big event. Muse A is in a very important meeting so Muse B ends up waiting for him, while she waits she meets Muse A's daughter. Muse A comes out of his meeting to see Muse A interacting with his daughter and asks Muse B if she would be willing to take care of his daughter while he works during the week. Muse B agrees and starts taking Muse A's daughter into work with her, during the weekends Muse A asks Muse B to stick around seeing how much his daughter likes her. Soon the two fall in love, will they accept their feelings? Or will they have to push them away because of Muse A's Ex wife?

The Best Road Trip Ever
Muse A and Muse B have been friends since they were little girls, they are 23 and are freshly graduated from college in NYC. Muse A gets a job offer in San Diego and the two girls just knew it was the perfect time to take their dream road trip. The girls decide to invite their 25 year old brothers along for safety reasons and because the girls both like each other's brothers. They do not mind and thought it would be a perfect time for all of them to get closer with each other's brothers.

High School Sweethearts
our muses were high school sweethearts that drifted apart after high school. they're both back in their hometown to celebrate the 4th of july and run into each other at a bbq. our muses start flirting and make plans to hang out while in town. they end up spending every day together, acting like high school sweethearts all over again. watching fireworks at their secret spot, splitting chocolate milkshakes at the local diner, sneaking onto the football field to makeout, etc. whatever happens when the trip is over is up to you.

Falling In Love With you
muse a is known as a player while muse b is the type to just be with one person and commit to them. but after a couple wrong relationships muse a and muse b both mutually agreed on a one night stand, however, after continuously going back to the flings they have, muse a realize that muse b brings out a side of them that no one ever brings out of them and they just both fall for each other and want to give each other the best.


Please is you're interested PM me or just post on this thread, If you have any questions please ask me I do not bite. I hope to hear from you!

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