Smile Spreading!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Kitkatmewww, we have not met! We should change this! Your name makes me smile, because I call my cat, CaT (Chaos and Terror) but a nickname for her is KeeKee KitKat Kitty mewmews. XD

~MetalAngel444~ I love your brain! You too, are a fangtastic rp partner and a great and funny friend. Thank you <3
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Reactions: ~MetalAngel444~
@Tink; Thank you for twisting my arm and bringing me back to Umbra.

@beesmusings; Love our stories together! <3

@Rei; Such an awesome Admin and thank you for updating the site that has become home to many members c:
~MetalAngel444~ I love your brain! You too, are a fangtastic rp partner and a great and funny friend. Thank you <3

Valtiel, not even gonna lie, you coming back brought me back and it's been amazing so far. I have my passion for writing back and it's a grand honor to have you in my chat box on the daily ^^ Much love <3
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Reactions: .:Valtiel:.
@Zeeff; so glad we brought our story here from another site and I am having a tremendous time writing with you. <3 Some of my best writing, to be honest.
We haven't actually spoken but I love to see your statuses and gifs!

@stellar ✨ : it's good to have you back!<3
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I think we can all agree, Mothra, you're so friendly and welcoming! You really help bring a sense of positive community belonging to this forum. I know I'm new here, and not especially active on the public forums but I really do like the overall attitude here!

Also, moths are cute as heck.
Thank you! That means a lot
Thank you! That means a lot
Thankyou for being such a positive welcoming person! As well as sending birthday wishes to everyone!
I've noticed you put a lot of effort into making this a fun and friendly place!
I like it when you like people's posts, even my silly little quotes about the moon, you're very thoughtful.
<3 Sending you all the best magical vibes you magical beautiful moth bean!
Cat Emoji GIF by Fuzzballs
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Reactions: Lady Mothra
Thankyou for being such a positive welcoming person! As well as sending birthday wishes to everyone!
I've noticed you put a lot of effort into making this a fun and friendly place!
I like it when you like people's posts, even my silly little quotes about the moon, you're very thoughtful.
<3 Sending you all the best magical vibes you magical beautiful moth bean!
Cat Emoji GIF by Fuzzballs
Thank you so much!
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Reactions: LunatheHorseLady
Thankyou for being such a positive welcoming person! As well as sending birthday wishes to everyone!
I've noticed you put a lot of effort into making this a fun and friendly place!
I like it when you like people's posts, even my silly little quotes about the moon, you're very thoughtful.
<3 Sending you all the best magical vibes you magical beautiful moth bean!
Cat Emoji GIF by Fuzzballs
I love your quotes about the moon :) I always look forward to seeing your status posts.