She just needs a story...♡♡♡

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Sleeping Umbran 452

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Hello lovelies.♡♡♡
A little about me (there is a good bit on my page):
♡I wrote via phone, so bare with me on length.
♡I love F×F rps but will do M×F.
♡Currently looking for long term partners
♡I'm very easy going to write with. ♡I don't mind typos and not picky on length
♡I check in a lot throughout the day so replies are generally multiple times a day, I hope for the same effort, but I TOTALLY understand RL comes first. Just contact keep in contact with me if there will be a delay in replies.
♡•I only RP in PMs. Sorry it jsut works better for me.

A few plots ideas I have but are not limited to:
Master × slave
Good girl/boy × bad girl/boy
Rich boy/girl × low income boy/girl
BFF × BFF. (F ×F)

Angel/Demon × human
Teacher × Student
Parent × babysitter

I'm willing to brainstorm ideas with whomever. Feel free to check out my page or shoot a pm.
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I have too plots in mind if anyone would like to maybe brainstorm. ANYTHING in the plot that you would like to discuss such as change ir an idea please let me know

Idea #1
Angel's and Demons.
I would love for both the demon and angel to play dominate roles with Kenzie (who'll I'll play) being submissive.

Character Description Ideas:

Male- Demetris Malak: His an demon, but on earth he walks around as normal human. He has dark hair and green eyes that change depending on his mood. Tall. mysterious. Has black green and silver and wings (I'll let whomever plays him pick his backstory and general attitude.)

Female- Malaika Blayne. Angel whom also walks among humans as Malak. She has long curly blonde hair with strawberry streaks throughout it. Her eyes are violet and she has white purple and gold wings. (I'll also let someone pick her back story and general attitude)

I'll add to McKenzie when the time comes.

(Beginning template for RP)
Mackenzie recently had been know for the wreck. The same questions ring in her head daily. How did this happen? Why did she live but not her friends? They were all in that car. How did she wake up sitting beside it with mere scratches? She had heard rumors her questions did have answer they just need to be asked to the right people. One day she wanders into a nightclub called DaddysPlayground to do just that and that's where she meets them both. I'd like for the two to come in and start a love triangle over Mackenzie, also known as Kenzie. I have more for a back story on Kenzie and I'd love to have SMUT throughout the story. Eventually I would like a part with all three together in one scene.

Idea #2:
When a MC (Jack Gilmann) from Blackpool decides to emigrate to a distant land, not everybody is supportive, but he leaves anyways. He reaches land and travels for days until he gets to a little village. People there are awful and try to run him away.
A (YC) young woman, invites him to stay in her home. Little does he know, she's the princess. The king approves, but under the condition they spend a night together first, but sets the stipulation they cant have sex. Things start happening once sexual tension over takes them both. Everything is going good until a servant girl catches the eye of MC. YC finds out and wants to leave MC until he talks her into an agreement to use said servant girl as a sex slave.

I'd like to take the stories from there. Any changes to add or subtract from the story, I'd love to brainstorm. I'm looking for two people to play the parts in each RPs. I'm willing to PM or make thread but prefer pms. I do have discord if that helps any.