Sci-fi Talk Shop

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
Honestly I'd be surprised if they didn't do that every time I opened my mouth.
Also like, not trying to offend the ladies here, but this is something dudes have to consider. Because not every lady shows restraint during that time, unfortunately. I've lived through some shit.

Anyway, yeah. The Jedi way isn't exactly friendly toward anyone with any kind of emotional varience, let alone anyone with a monthly biological cycle that dramatcially affects nearly every aspect of their psychological and physical being. At least the Sith know what it's like to feel.
My Mandalorian lad has always seen the Jedi Code as a challenge rather than a reason to not make heart eyes at them.
I stumbled across a tabletop game called Infinity. I'm not too sure of the premise but one of the factions is basically exiles from Scotland, France, Russia and the United States banding together with all sorts of badassery. What they lack in high tech they make up for a rare metal (in which they themselves have abundance in) for ammunition and armour.

The art is...fucking awesome.


