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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Sleeping Umbran 429

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Dec 29, 2019
Welcome to my thread! Please do not leave a message here, just PM me. It keeps things neat!

αbσυт мє

Not really that much to say, other than that I am female and I have been roleplaying for 6+ years. I can usually replay a few times a week and I tend to write several paragraphs depending on what's going on and how invested I am in the story. I don't know what else I should put here, any questions though don't be too afraid to ask!


The part of the thread that everyone loves, rules! Okay, maybe not but these things can really make or break a roleplay for me and probably for a lot of people too now once I think about it. These things really annoy me so please keep these in mind before you PM me:

  • Have good spelling and grammar. Of course, I don't mind the odd mistake, we're human, not robots.
  • I prefer quality over quantity. This can be a very fine line at times but if you genuinely feel like you can't add any more to your response even though it's only like, three lines that are fine! I don't expect 10 paragraphs every time
  • Plots! Plots are a huge thing for me, I won't do just primarily smut based roleplays. I personally love world-building, so I'm not really THAT interested in short-term roleplays
  • Following from the last point, not really interested in short-term roleplays.
  • I heavily prefer MxF roleplays where my character is female
  • While I can double up, I prefer not to
  • I can provide a writing sample, if asked

wнαт i will иσт dσ

Of course, there are some things that I will not do for a roleplay. These include, but are not limited to:

  • I will not do fandom roleplays
  • I will not do Sci-Fi roleplays
  • I will not do Slice of Life roleplays (How do people enjoy this anyway?)
  • I will not do non-con or dub-con

яσlєρlαy idєαร

And of course, last but not least, roleplay ideas! I do have some topics and themes already in mind but I'm open to new ideas so don't be afraid to suggest things. My absolute favourite thing is fantasy but I don't mind modern-day based roleplays.


  • Medieval/Medieval Fantasy, this is a maybe
  • Victorian
  • Modern Day/Modern Day Fantasy
  • Mafia
  • Post-apocalyptic, thinking zombies here
  • Werewolves, craving this one!
  • Forbidden romance


  • Supernatural x Supernatural
  • Supernatural x Human

And I think that's it, for now anyway. I'll update this when needed.
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