
  • Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types. Sign up today to have access to our forums and join our other talented members!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hey, you can refer to me as my username or Janelle Gainsborough- my vastly similiar online alter ego .>. Anyway! Like the rest of you, I'm lookin' for some RP, I'm 19 years of age and now in college! I'm really trying to aim for Fantasy, Semi-Realistic, or romantic type RPs! I'm into to gaming- like- a lot, and my favorite series are YuGiOh, Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, and Yakuza. Of course I know many other series, but these are most likely my favorite! If anybody would like to help me around this new site- since I have NO CLUE what I'm doing, please DM me!
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Hello, Chazz! Welcome to the site! I know it's a been a few days since you've posted your intro, but hopefully you're managed to get a hang of things around here. If not, feel free to ask anything you like!

Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games (I can't really say "franchises" because Kingdom Hearts III devastated me in ways I cannot explain, but the first game will always hold an extremely special place in my heart). Devil May Cry is excellent as well!

Hope you find some excellent stories to keep you entertained!
Hello there! Yeah, we'll, I haven't done anything here, I actually made the account and completely forgot about the site. I'm still quite lost and unable to explain wherever I'm suppose to do/go.​
As much as I've love to answer that while knowing what the hell I'm talking about, I'm not sure. There's a lot going on, I guess I'm not just used to thread-type sites, like Reddit or anything like that. I usually am more familiar with charro on-based sites. In short, it may be a navigation issue.
Well, thread sites are very easy once you get the hang of them! Everything is organized into categories and subcategories.

If you're looking to find RP partners, your first step is going to be heading over to our Request Threads section (this is underneath the "Roleplaying" Category on the front page). There you'll be able to 1) post your own thread detailing to others what kind of roleplays you're looking for and 2) look at everyone else's Requests to see if there is anyone who piques your interest. The cool thing about Request Threads is that users can add Prefixes to the titles. Clicking on a Prefix will allow you to search for ALL threads with that prefix (so if you like writing MxF stories, simply click on on the MxF prefix and all threads with that Prefix will pop up, allowing you to narrow down your searches).

After you contact a potential partner, you can start up an RP either in your private messages, or you can post them to our Roleplay Haven. All roleplays regardless of genre or rating go into this forum.

Hopefully that helps you get started. Feel free to let me know if you're still confused about things and I can elaborate further.
Oh, yes, thank you! This was very, VERY helpful! I believe that's all the information I need. I'll keep you in mind if I have any further questions in the future. Thank you so much- I am forever grateful.