Mythical Monster Creation Contest

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Create Your Own Mythical Creature

This contest--yes, you read that right, CONTEST--is based on designing your own mythical creature. Any sort of creature; a man-eating monster of the deep, a mischievous forest waif, a trickster siren who feeds on emotions. Anything works, as long as it's an original concept. Let's get into the guidelines for this thing:
  • Entries must be submitted in the form of stories. Acceptable formats include government dossiers (think like SCP entries), 'recovered texts', research papers, or even word-of-mouth folk tales.
  • The more details the better.
  • Entries should be between 300 and 500 words, but longer is okay.
  • Monsters must be original in concept. You can't design a winged lizard that breathes fire and hoards gold and name it a 'miser-bird'. Everyone knows that's just a dragon!
    • However, subspecies or mutations of 'popular' mythical creatures are permissible. If you have a specific, weird kind of dragon you want to share, go for it.
  • Creatures can be from any region and any period of time. If you want to put your five-tailed tiger in a medieval period in the middle of Tibet, do it. If you want to write about electricity-sucking stickbugs that hang out on power lines and hide in electrical sockets in the modern age, do it. Space whales in the year 2885? Make it happen. The important part is to exercise creativity!
We will be accepting entries June 5 - 19.
Community judging will be June 20 - 26 to weigh in on their favorites.

At the end of that week we'll announce the winner!


If you get the most votes from the community, your name will be featured on the site banner. Additionally, you will be awarded a unique medal to show off your victory. @Nevermind will also be donating $50 to the charity of your choice!

  • Submit your stories to myself or Nevermind via DM, either directly in the message or as a link to your story on Google Docs or what have you.
  • To preserve anonymity we will handle posting your stories in this thread; do not post here.
Alright, I think that is about it. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have fun!