Most Uninteresting Fact thread

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I don't do favorites because my favorite things are always changing.

I am mistaken as younger and older a lot. People who see me think I'm still a teenager and people who only speak to me tend to think I'm in my 30s. It is very strange.

I remember the dumbest things, but have a hard time remembering important stuff.
I 95% of the time don't believe people when they say things. So as a coping mechanism, I ask them repeatedly and they get annoyed.

It isn't that I think people are lying, but I can't internalize that they're telling the truth either, it's a mess.

Also goes with when I mess something up and am apologizing.
I'm immune to many over the counter sleep aids (Zzzquil, Advil PM, etc). This is due to the fact that many of those sleep aids use a specific type of anti-histimine (Diphenhydramine) that causes a drowsy effect in the majority of people (it is the same anti-histimine used in Benadryl, which is why there are warnings on the box that it'll make you sleepy). In a small number of individuals, the anti-histimine works when it comes to actually getting rid of allergic reactions, but it doesn't make people sleepy. I am one of those people.

Melatonin and valerian root also do not work on me. They only give me headaches.
I'm one of those "I'll listen to anything so long as it's good" types and I really have no real love or hate for any one genre. I like some songs from basically every genre, even rap, country, and black metal (because those seem to be the most hated genres for some reason?). To be a total Gen Z about it: if it slaps, it slaps.

That being said I've had a weird interest in bossa nova music lately.
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When I was a kid I used to get extremely rare anxiety-related asthma attacks. I'm not a terrifically anxious person, but apparently when I do get anxious I go all the hell out. I recall once I actually had to be picked up off the school bus by my mom because I couldn't move or breathe. I seemed to have grown out of it... though the stress of moving tomorrow/today/whatever seems to have made me sick. So.
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I'm really into makeup, though I've only seriously gotten into it within the past year. When younger, I considered makeup to be frivolous and "girly," neither things which I necessarily wished to aspire to. As I've become more comfortable with myself with age, I've come to realize that my gender doesn't matter. If I like makeup, I like makeup, and who cares if anyone else finds it superficial.

My favorite makeup product? Highlighter. As the vampire deity John McLean says, "I do not wish to glow like the gods. I wish to glow greater than the gods."

Seriously, if you're into makeup or makeup tutorials at all, please look up John McLean. He is everything.
In contrast to Nev, I don't wear makeup often because I'm lazy and it'stime consuming and I'vealways had a shaky hand so I'm in a constant state of discouragement. In high school I did go through a MCR must have red around the eyes to make it look like I don't ever sleep and wear dark black eyeliner phase.


That being said, I want to learn how to do makeup so that I can live out my visual kei dreams
In contrast to Nev, I don't wear makeup often because I'm lazy and it'stime consuming and I'vealways had a shaky hand so I'm in a constant state of discouragement. In high school I did go through a MCR must have red around the eyes to make it look like I don't ever sleep and wear dark black eyeliner phase.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't wear makeup often at all. I just like it, and once in a while I'll doll myself up just because I want to. I'm not great at it. I have to do my eyeliner like six times because I always get it wrong, but I still enjoy the result.
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If it makes you feel any better, I don't wear makeup often at all. I just like it, and once in a while I'll doll myself up just because I want to. I'm not great at it. I have to do my eyeliner like six times because I always get it wrong, but I still enjoy the result.

I'm just to damn lazy to apply makeup. The most I will do is mascara and on occasion eyeliner. Though I have to wear a full face for concerts and the like. Feels like a pie's been shoved on your face.

On the other hand, I have a fascination with the human brain and how it works. I'm especially interested in how the brain develops in a child and how different situations affect the childs developmental
I am almost entirely unable to react emotionally to negative situations when they happen. I guess I've dealt with so much shit, I end up being emotionally numb to most situations.

For example, being biracial, I definitely don't enjoy dealing with discrimination and racism, yet have had to deal with it from time to time. A white co-worker of mine decided to drop the N-word (the not at all acceptable one) as a joke, and it took me a couple days before I really started to get pissed off about it. I was completely unphased immediately after despite my dislike of its use in any context.
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