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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Stories full of Romance (Read below for details).
Hello there! My name's Kitti and I'm here to write some awesome stories with some fantastic people! I feel like I haven't actually written one of these in a while, so I'm going to largely do it from scratch so I can tailor my current needs to my current situation!

Let's get to it, shall we?

About Me

  • 26 Years old, Libra, ENFJ
  • 15ish years of Role-Play experience
  • Exists in EST in the US
  • Generally around all day for chatting
  • Works often
  • LGBTQIA+ Member
  • Leader of the Local Chapter of the Glitter Gang
  • Colorblind
  • Dragon Enthusiast

What To Expect

▷ I like to say that I have more free time that I usually have, but the truth is that my writing schedule is sporadic at best. I keep a list of all my stories to cycle through them whenever I get the time, but that sometimes ends up being twice a week. Once my schedule balances out a tick, I'm hoping to be able to realott my energies into doing what I love more often. But you can at least expect to hear from me once a week if you're chatty like me!

▷ My posts range from three detailed paragraphs to a nice page, if we're scene-setting have to get somewhere. I've discovered that I am more comfortable coaxing the story along than waxing poetic about my character lighting a cigarette for 1000 words.

▷ I love to world build, and will talk to you for hours about the universe we're making together. If you love that, I promise you we'll get along.

▷ I'm not super into erotic scenes, so my stories tend to balance heavier on plot. But I'm also not opposed. If the story calls for it, let's do it! ...Er. You know what I mean. My usual ratio settles around 75-25, story to smut. But there are exceptions to every rule, so let's talk about it.

▷ I will always have more than one character for our stories, unless the story calls for it. I love side plots and asides and all that. I love a rich, fleshed out world.

What I'm Looking for

▶ I love it when my partners are enthusisatic about what we're doing together. If you're not into the idea, please tell me so we can adjust or switch gears entirely. This is supposed to be fun!

▶ I have to ask for a certain amount of patience from my partners. I don't always get to do what I want, so I can't reply every day. Please know that I'm not uninterested, I'm just busy, I swear. I promise I'll get back to you.

▶ Quality over quantity always, but mirroring posts helps the story flow a bit better. Do what you gotta do, of course, but if you've written a multi-series novel in response to my single page, I'll likely be stumped.

▶ I really enjoy making friends with my partners, so I'd hope we could just hit each other up for random chats as well as fits of inspiration. It's my favorite thing about role-playing!

▶ I'm hoping you'll know the standard for role-playing. Don't puppet my people for major things because I won't do it to you. Have flawed and interesting characters. Be kind. All those things!

Current Crave List

Merfolk: Something outside of the normal "mermaid falls in love with a handsome prince, happily ever after." Let's take it up a notch. Let's have a princess who throws herself into the sea to end her unhappy life find herself taken in by an underwater society. Let's have an Atlanean war where their people can fight on land and at sea. Let's have the Prince chase the beautiful mermaid for a change, but he's a pirate and courting her turns into a kidnapping. I dunno, it just has to evolve pretty fish people?

Pokemon: It's the only fandom I participate in, and also my favorite kind of story to write. There is so much we can do. Trainers following a prophecy. A war with shape-shifters. I have an AU that I built with Pokemon that I would love to use that could go a million different directions, so if you ask me about it, I might propose. Just sayin'.

Southern Gothic: Something to the tune of the early 20s or so where Southern High society members mix with the mysterious world of voodoo and hoodoo. Something in Louisiana where someone gets involved with a curse and has to step out of their comfort zone to break it. Or, an aristocrat falls in love with the local witch doctor from the bayou and it is the scandal of the century. Jilted lovers, elements of magic, absinthe-- this setting just really gets me.

Word Pool

Fantasy ◦ Supernatural Haunting ◦ Angels ◦ Demons ◦ Werewolves ◦ Shapeshifters ◦ Blood Bonds ◦ Summonings Old Flames ◦ Hospital ◦ Cafe ◦ SIice of Life ◦ Slow Burn ◦ Scientists ◦ Experiments ◦ Other Dimensions ◦ Kaiju ◦ Performers ◦ Circus ◦ Burlesque ◦ Forbidden Love ◦ Law Enforcement ◦ Superheroes ◦ The World in Between ◦ The Four Horsemen ◦ Pantheons ◦ Space Travel ◦ Pirates ◦ Constellations ◦ Magical Girls ◦ Personification ◦ War ◦ Sacrifice ◦ Modern Deities

Plot Ideas
(I promise I'll think of something clever to call this section later, maybe?)

Here are some ideas that I suddenly came up with that could be expanded upon!

The Magician's Folly
A powerful magician is sent to the service of an "evil" King, and while he is bound by his duties, he finds himself entangled in a vicious love affair with the Queen that could endanger his life and the foundation of the kingdom he was sent to serve.

tags: romance, supernatural, Egypt inspired

An artist has been in a rut, and nearing what feels like an existential crisis, until one fateful day they meet the most beautiful person they've ever seen. They are immediately inspired and charmed and make it their mission for their muse to become their lover. Things seem to be looking up until suddenly, the artist is in a terrible accident. One moment, they are dying, and the next, they find their muse bathed in golden light... Arguing with another beautiful stranger. The artist is stunned to find out that their muse is a goddess and they have just been killed by a jealous lover. Now they must travel through the realm of the afterlife to figure out a way to get back to their old life before the window of opportunity closes permanently.

tags: Slice of life, romance, supernatural, adventure

The Magician's Rabbit (Taken)
Being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time has a terrible consequence for a young man who is cursed by a witch and then sold on the magical market. He is bought by a coy magician who is willing to break the curse for him, but only if he works as his "assistant" to earn back his freedom.

tags: shapeshifters, romance, master, slave

Written in Blood
An aspiring author is working on a new story that requires a ridiculous amount of research. In order to write the most authentic version of their work, they stumble upon an incantation that summons and binds a demon to them. The demon is eager to collect on its first contract, so they strike a deal: the author is granted access to the World In Between to slay monsters for material for their book in exchange for their soul.

tags: supernatural, demons, summoning, adventure

Welcome Home
An ex-paranormal investigator has retired, and skipped town to start over in a quaint little house, miles away from the city limits. After a terrible accident that left them traumatized and scarred, they are eager to leave their life of chasing wayward spirits behind. But it's just their luck that their new home is haunted by the ghost of someone that had been taken from life too soon. They are bound by an unexpected cursed object, and while the homeowner is adamant on getting the ghost to move on, the ghost is content to stay put.

tags: supernatural, ghost, romance, tragedy

Chained to the Rhythm
A young rising star has suddenly been admitted into a hospital's psychiatric ward. Despite her usually "plucky" personality, she is showing clear signs of distress and wreckless behavior. Her nurse is the no-nonsense sort, fresh out of med school and seems to be the only person who can successfully keep her out of most trouble. A tumultuous relationship sparks between them, causing them to question what really matters most to them.

tags: romance, hospital, mental health, music

Dancing with a Stranger
A bartender working the late shift has a run in with fate by an unlikely patron. She was not expecting to have any customers in the middle of a snowstorm, so she was much less prepared to fall in love. But the enchanting patron came right on time, and swept her off her feet and now she has to decipher whether or not sparks flew because they were real, or just because she was feeling a little cold.

tags: romance, slice of life, possibly supernatural

Frost and Flowers
The gods of the Greek Pantheon have always done things same; the bringers of life live on Olympus, where the mortals can offer their praises, while the wardens of Death live in the valley below and await their inevitable arrival. The King of Death, Hades, has kept to himself for many years, more myth than the visage of a man. Perhaps he would have remained that way if a curious goddess had not wandered in. For the first time in existence, the Underworld sees a burst of color as Persephone, goddess of Spring, takes shelter to escape a fate she could not accept. Hades is immediately spellbound, and gives his word to help her, and a relationship begins to bloom.

tags: romance, Greek mythology

Lives Worth Living
Angels and demons have been at war longer than anyone can remember. It is common knowledge that at the end of their lives, mortal souls are sent to either Heaven or Hell depending on how they lived. But when a celestial life is lost, it returns to Earth to become human again. Most souls remain aligned with what they have always been, creating the forces of good and evil. But there are those who diverge, and can shift sides. A forbidden union of an angel and demon ended in tragedy as they were torn away from each other, cursed in order to keep them apart, and sent back to be mortals. But their souls remained bonded and they found each other on Earth. As mortals, their curse persisted and both were killed and sent back to the Celestial plane. Yet again, they found each other and again they were banished, and the cycle was left to repeat again and again, across the many eras of mortal life. Now, the angel and demon are aware of their circumstances, and seek to put an end to it. They escape to Earth to hide among the mortals as they serach for the truth of what force is trying to keep them apart.

tags: romance, tragedy, soul mates


Here's a short, sweet list of things I will not partake in:

  • Straight up Smut
  • Anthro
  • Wish Fulfillment
  • Incest
  • Most Fandoms
Just remember: I'm not kink-shaming you, but I'm not kink-encouraging you. These are my hard limits. My softer limits can be swayed one way or another, but I imagine we'll discuss those as the time comes.

Still Here? ♡

Great! I can be contacted here onsite or, if you'd prefer quick responses, feel free to ask me for my Discord! And of course, I'm open to suggestions, so don't be afraid to approach with some ideas and cravings you have. Let's make some magic!


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Hi there! Please take a look at my request post here and let me know if you're interested in RPing some time. :D If I can feed a craving let me know!