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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Hi everyone. I usually go by my username but you can also call me by my online nickname, which is Jay. I'm 38 and due to personal reasons I don't work and I don't go to college. So my days are usually spent role playing, reading, and spending time with my parents and my cat. The current book I'm reading is a thriller called Unsolved by James Patterson who is my favorite author at this time. I own about five or six of his other recent books as well.

I like all types of role plays except for slice of life, Canon characters, and intricate plots. I love Star Trek and Star Wars rps. I usually type 200+ words but I'm flexible. Just talk to me about post counts.

If you want to know more just ask.
Hey Jay welcome to Umbra! Glad to have you here. I hope you have a great time.
Thank you Darkstar. I can tell right away this is the site for me.
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Welcome to the site, Neelix! I hope you've had ample opportunity to get to know the site and make yourself comfortable. (Extra glad to hear it seems like you're enjoying the place so far!)

I've heard of James Patterson but never read any of his books. Currently I'm working on finishing up A Dance with Dragons from the A Song of Ice and Fire series (I have less than one hundred pages left to read), and then the boyfriend and I are going to move to Good Omens, since I need something a little less taxing on my brain after reading thousands of pages of George R.R. Martin.

Also, yay cat! I also have a cat. Her name is Marceline and she is the absolute fluffiest and bestest and I love her muchly.
I haven't read that book series. This Patterson book I'm reading has over 400 pages which is the reason I buy crime drama books. And I'm not even half way done. I like how it pulls you right in from the first sentence and doesn't let go. I'll give that series a try once I'm done with my other five Patterson books I still have laying on my bed.

My cat's name is Shiloh and she is a calico. She is my best friend. What type of cat is yours Nevermind?
Tabby cats are beautiful. I'll definitely check that out. I'll post a photo of my cat in there too.
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I posted her and I tried to crop the image in Photoshop but it stil came out large. And I don't know how to put it in a spoiler.