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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Sup party people! I'm Gasoline.

Some things you should know:

  • I'm a Veteran RPer - I've been around the block as the cool kids say
  • I'm okay with ERP if the progression to it is natural.
  • I RP as male and female but I prefer to RP as male.
  • I'm pretty chill and willing to teach newbies how to RP better!
  • I'm not the best at grammar {like commas and punctuation} but I'm a great speller.
  • I'm against RPing certain things but that can be talked about in DMs.
    I'm cool with RPing on Forums or DM
  • I prefer one on ones but could be tempted to join a group if the plot strikes my fancy.

Please feel free to ask me anything, I'm pretty open.
Hey there mister combuster, how goes that fossil fuel life?

Ask you anything huh? You like weird, silly, dark and kinky plots?
Hey Lo, it depends on the plot! But I'm generally up to try anything depends!
Welcome to Umbra, Gasoline! Love seeing a new name on the site, and even better to meet a veteran RPer. Since you invited me to ask you some questions, I must:
  • Which food do you dislike the most?
  • What are your favorite kinds of characters to play?
  • What is a genre you've never written before but are excited to try?
  • What is your favorite number?
  • I dislike broccoli the most. No matter what I do I can't seem to make it taste good.
  • I love playing Fantasy/Supernatural/Meta-Human type characters.
  • I've written a lot of genres but I never really nailed the Post-Apocalyptic type RP and I'd be down to get that right.
  • I have 3 favorites because they're my lucky numbers: 3, 7, 13 :)
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