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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hello Hello Fellow Writers!

My name is Moka!

I'm new here, but not to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for a little over... 8, 9 years now..? Idunno-- let's just say it's been a while. Haha.

I absolutely love to write and have been thinking about the possibility of writing my own books. One of my favorite things about roleplaying is being able to write with other people. I love to read how all of the characters will interact with each other or what type of response they'll have to certain situations. It's just awesome. I'm hoping to jump into a few roleplays here and thinking about it makes me so excited.

I'm a huge fan of:

Resident Evil (games)
The Last of Us
Alien VS Predator
Star Wars
The Legend of Zelda

I think that's about all for my (shotty) introduction. XD

Have an awesome day~.
