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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!

I'm Jay, but Jae and J are acceptable, and Jason is to be used only when formality calls for it. I'm nothing more than another 20 year old college student who probably has better things to spend their time on, but nonetheless ends up searching for places to RP. I've been roleplaying for as long as I can remember, and I'd like to say that I'm at least a pretty decent writer! I'm also an aspiring betta fish owner and an energy drink connoisseur, if that's worth anything.

My preferred RP genres include fantasy, supernatural, and various subsets of sci-fi such as cyberpunk or space opera, and I dabble in fandom here and there. Angst holds a special place in my heart, as well as general romantic RP, but for the most part I'm open to anything that promises some level of entertainment. My characters change to suit what I think works for an RP, so I have no set limits as far as playing characters of different genders or even sexual orientations.

I'd like to think I'm quite friendly, so please feel free to reach out to me for anything –– friendship, establishing a formal rivalry, or plotting an RP. If you're lucky I'll even consider involving you in my 239 step plan for world domination; I'm currently on step 173.

I look forward to chatting with you!​
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Welcome, Jay! I am absolutely digging your aesthetic. It is so up my dark and mysterious alley.

What is your favorite brand of energy drink? I feel this is critical information to have.

Secondly, how do I get in on step 199 of your plan? (This just seems like a natural entry point.)