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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!

I'm Lest, but I'm likewise fine with folks calling me anything that they'd like. I'm twenty-four, living in the United States, and primarily prefer he/him pronouns though I'm not all too picky about it. I've been Roleplaying since 2009 and I haven't been on a website with this kind of layout since at least 2012. I'm excited to indulge myself in the nostalgia and I'm even more happy to see that justified text is an option here.

A little about me is that I'm currently on break from university where I'm on a pathway to medical school. I also work in the clothing department of a well-known chain store and tutor on the side. When I'm not adulting or writing, I enjoy going for runs, supporting small streamers on Twitch that I absolutely adore, play fighting games occasionally competitively, make Spotify playlists, and listen to my sister talk about unraveling drama in The Sims community. I'm really into music and am basically always accepting or offering recommendations, so hit me up any time for that. I'm also a total weaboo with most of my fandoms falling into anime or anime adjacent material. My major fandoms at the moment include Fire Emblem, RWBY, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Tales Of, and so on.

I'm kind of "all over the place" when it comes to writing, but I'm fairly shy when it comes to erotic material. I'm still easing myself into that and I'm mostly going to be looking for original content that's either without it or has very little of it. I tend to bounce around in terms of genres, but my true love is and always will be dystopian. I'll pretty much write anything that isn't solidly slice of life though. I'll make an interest check for myself later, I think.

That's about it for me, but I might as well make this fun.

Two truths and a lie! Guess which one is the lie:
  1. I've met at least one famous musician in my lifetime.
  2. I did ghost hunting in high school.
  3. I have a cat.
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I bet you don't have a cat! >:3

Welcome to the Umbra Adventure - if there's anything I can do to help guide ya along, let me know!

What's your favorite genre of music?
You got it instantly! I don't own a cat though I certainly wish I did. I think I'd have a Russian blue or black cat if given the opportunity. Anyway. . Thank you for the welcome! It's hard for me to choose just one genre, but I'm very much into alternative and indie sounds overall. I like almost everything except for really niche genres and bluegrass. Nothing against bluegrass fans, I just find it. . Depressing to listen for some reason.