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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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My preference on communication:
Please contact me via Direct Message (link)
Hello everyone! My name is Lexi (F22) and I have a lineup of mostly sci-fi based roles and characters that I'd love to flesh out with some new partners see below for some descriptions and message me if it sounds like your thing!

I can be kinda busy these days, so I may be rather picky with my chosen partners. I promise it's not personal, and I'll try not to full on ghost, but I may find myself without enough time or interest to carry on a roleplay with you.

Favorite tropes...
I really enjoy playing against the reluctant hero rather than someone with a heart of gold. The same goes for the underdog. I always find it interesting to play a dynamic with someone who is mediocre, lower class, or otherwise just your average Joe, especially considering the crazy situations we'll inevitably get into. I typically get bored when my partner is endlessly rich and can buy their way out of any situation rather than subvert the law to make things work. Finally, while I like someone who doesn't want to fight, I prefer a fighter to a lover. Get angry, get vicious, you can't always talk your way out of Armageddon.

Bonus round. I love love love characters with opposing views or life styles. A brawler to my pacifist. A warrior to my meekness. A reckless to my cautious. Righteous to my wicked.

What I am looking for...
A partner who's ready for a long-term roleplay along the lines of what I describe below. Please be semi-literate and willing to put in the effort to match my responses in length and detail. They don't all have to be perfectly polished or several paragraphs in length, but if you send me a single paragraphs worth in one long run-on sentence I'm going to lose interest quickly. Please understand, I do not do fandom roles, characters, or settings. If you're inspired by fandoms that's fine, but try and make it somewhat original. Many of my characters and settings pull from videogames, books, and movies, but I always try and put my own twist on things.

How do I play...
I typically respond more in the mornings/afternoons but this can change. I don't typically log on during the weekends but you can expect at least a response daily, sometimes several if our schedules line up. I'd love it if I could get at least one response from you a day, but of course I understand that life happens and this isn't always feasible. Just let me know, I'm always open to OOC chat! Always ghost friendly, if you're not feeling things I prefer you to let me know, but no hard feelings if you don't.

My responses usually average around 2 or 5 paragraphs but can be much longer to set a scene or new location or describe backstory or lore. Other than that I'll try to match my partners energy. I tend towards third person but I've been known to slip into first, so if you've got a preference let me know!

Smut, Turn-ons, and Turn-offs...
Sexual themes are always optional. Most of my roles can include them but none of them have to, and if needed I'm perfectly comfortable fading to black when the time comes. As far as when that time should be, let's just read the situation and keep in touch OOC to make sure we're both on the same page.

Please don't come at me if you're only looking for smut. I prefer plot and character development first and smut last. I don't mind playing through a sex scene but if it drags on I'm going to lose interest rather quick. Sometimes I prefer a fade to black, especially if we're in the beginning of our roleplay and haven't built up to it. Slow burn is a must for me!

  • A dominant partner
  • Giving oral
  • Receiving anal
  • Non-con, CNC, and dub-con*
  • 'Sexual' fluids / cum play
  • Choking, light abuse, light knife-play
  • Furries**
  • Vore
  • Gore***
  • Submissive partners
  • "Futa" themes
  • Ridiculous plots to serve a specific fetish
  • Psychological / "mind break"
* I'm fine with *ahem* "a firm hand" but that's not to say it's a self serving situation. If we're going to go down the route of darker themes like this I'd like them to be serving of the plot somehow. Again, OOC chat is important!

** If you've got something to explain anthropomorphic animals, for example some kind of genetic modification that plays an over arching theme, I could potentially play along. But otherwise I'm not interested.

*** Light bleeding or beatings are fine and sometimes desired. For example: a bloody nose or black eye doesn't bother me. But let's not make that the entire focus of the scene.

Prompts (Work in Progress)​

This is new for me, but I thought I'd try something out. Below is a listing of prompts for you to reply to directly. No openers, no pre-roleplay discussion, no plotting, just hit the ground running. I'll provide a few paragraphs to give context to the opening, and you can reply to it with a message directly to me :) some are based on my specific roles below, and others I'm making up off the top of my head! If any of them catch your eye, please include the title in your message to me

Infernal Infiltration

Deep Space Drift

The Lawless Void

Salvaging a Savior

High Magic Holding

Cryo Sleep Survivor

Autonomous Alternative

Generic Pairing
A listing of some non-specific pairings and match ups that enjoy or would be interested in.

Outlaw - Bounty Hunter
Distressing Damsel - Unlikely Hero
Slave - Unwilling Owner
Demon - Human
Demon - Angel/Nephalem(Nephilim?)
Android - Owner/Creator
SlimeGirl - Human
A.I. - Ship Captain/Mercenary/Explorer
Thief - Victim
Psycho/Raider - Survivor
Engineer - Supersoldier
Engineer - Mech pilot
Engineer - Android/Machine
Medic - Knight

I'm sure this list will grow, but that's all I can think of for now. If anything piques your curiosity here or on my specific plots below, please give me a shout!

Specific Roles​

Preferred roles in purple, but I might be willing to mix things up for the right partner.

You'll notice a "Freeform to Linear" scale. This marks the structure of that specific plot. Ranging from Freeform where I might just have characters and a general setting picked out, to Linear where I have a very specific idea of how I want this roleplay to play out. Sometimes I just have a story to tell, and I want you to be along for the ride, other times I have a character I want to explore and I need you to help facilitate that.

Finally, I've added a quick idea of what type of characters I'm looking to play against for each plot. This isn't a hard rule, but just so you have an idea of what I'm looking for.
Succubus x Human
Vylleth Profile
Looking for: Male or Female. An assertive and dominant presence, perhaps someone who's life is rather mundane. Maybe they feel they were meant for more or otherwise are feeling unfulfilled. Drug or alcohol vices might be an interesting concept. Ex-military might be an plus as well.

Settings: Modern day Earth, future Earth, human space colony.

My most developed and lore heavy role by far. A succubus, Vylleth, who's been reaping souls for Hell for centuries happens upon a mortal who does not die after their affair. This sparks a long term relationship and an adventure into the heart of Hell itself that makes Vylleth question her role in Hells campaign.

Aesthetics / Themes: This role is roughly split in half between a modern day slice-of-life setting (depending on the setting you choose) and an adventure into the dark realm. The slice-of-life portion can take on any theme you want, but I tend more towards cute one off situations where you teach your Demon girlfriend what a zoo is.

As for Hell, I try to play it larger than life. It has little to no bearing in the biblical sense and everything I've built for it is very flesh and bone. My inspiration for the appearance of this roleplay was largely based on the recent Doom games. So you can imagine what I have in mind for my monsters. Titanic remains litter Hell like monuments to fallen demonic gods. Ancient memorials built on the backs of the damned stretch into oblivion. I've tried to make different biomes throughout Hell to keep the experience fresh. Think blood swamps, dead cities, and rotten forests.

Character traits: Vylleth thrives in the limelight, she's outgoing, not the least bit shy, and can display a bit of a temper when she's pushed to. Human seduction is the oldest game there is, and she's been playing it longer than anybody. Her life as a succubus has afforded her little in the way of creature comforts, so when she gets the chance to relax and experience amenities like Netflix she falls in love. While she knows a very impressive amount about human history and day to day life she never had a formal education. So while she knows the Earth is round and part of a solar system, her knowledge of things like "why Earth is the only inhabited planet" is very limited.

Balance: This story involves a lot of slice-of-life in the beginning and combat heavy towards the end. Plot is always a driving factor and can be slowed or sped up to keep the story moving at your pace. Intimacy can certainly be a prevailing theme but could be handled by a "fade to black" if you'd prefer.

Looking for: Male or Female. Someone adventurous who's seen it all and looking for the next great conquest. Curiosity is a driving factor for them and they're skilled with both technology and combat practices.

Settings: Future Earth, human space colony, space port, etc...

Vylleth has loved and lost. For a hundred years she had a blissful marriage with the protagonist from the first roleplay, but as all mortals do their time had finally run out. Left mourning and broken from the loss of the only person she'd ever loved she turned to dramatic measures. With Hell gone she knew her lovers soul hadn't been taken there, and so the question became where exactly they had gone. With this question burning in her mind she sets out to track down her lovers soul, believing it rightfully belonged to her as she had claimed it in the name of Hell all those years ago.

Her search for truth last decades before she finally comes to a shocking realization. Heaven exists, and it's stolen her lovers soul. But Heaven isn't so easy to break into, least of all for a Demon. So with a piece of divine technology in hand, stolen from the hands of a dead Reaper, she seeks out your character to help her pick the metaphysical lock of Heavens gates.

Aesthetic / Themes: First and foremost. This roleplay is about Vylleth coming to grips with loss and seeking closure. With that in mind, she finds Heaven to be a rotting husk. Angels clad in ivory white armor stink of rotting flesh beneath their masks, their wings emaciated to the point of disuse have been replaced by mechanical augmentations. It's as if the entire realm was surviving in little more than life support. Peel back the facade and find out the twisted truth about the promised afterlife. Let me be clear, Heaven may be marketed better, but they want souls for the same purpose as Hell. Righteous or wicked, all souls burn the same.

Character traits: The character is the same as the previous roleplay, albeit with a hundred years or so more experience. While she was wild and carefree before she met the protagonist from the first roleplay, she now has the reservation of loss to keep her in check and the red hot burning fury to keep her vengeful. She's become quite adept at spell work, but without her lovers soul to power her enchantments her skills are all but useless. Additionally, the events in Hell and thereafter has honed her into a more combative role. She's not the same timid little bed warmer she used to be, she's fully battle tested and combat ready.

Balance: This roleplay is mostly action / adventure and combat with little to no slice-of-life and a sprinkling smut if you'd like. It centers almost entirely around the concept of exploring an entirely different Realm, and if you're not a fan of combat don't worry, you'll have the rage of a widowed demon to back you up. Vylleth is ready for a fight.

Note: It's ideal if you play "Hell Hath No Fury" first, but not entirely necessary. I just think you'd appreciate Heaven more after seeing Hell.
"SlimeGirl" x Human
Abigale/Lex Profile

Looking for: Male or Female. A survivor who wants to try and rebuild the torn down works around them. Either ruthless and ready to kill to reach that goal, or has an infallible sense of duty and commitment to the greater good.

Setting: Post apocalyptic Earth

A.B.I.G.A.L.E. is an A.I. core in control of a gel body capable of taking different forms and functions. She is charged with helping her humans survive a post cataclysmic event by any means necessary. I typically tend towards an Earth reeling from a meteor impact a hundred years or so ago.

Aesthetic / Theme: While this can be either us versus the environment or us versus other survivors, there's going to be one unifying theme. The decay of the old world. You've seen it all before, mad max, fallout, last of us, ect... The decaying ruins of cities, skeletal remains of sky scrapers haunting the world as nature slowly reclaims what humanity lost. I'd particularly enjoy exploring things like a the remains of New York (think Last of Us 2) or perhaps derelict factories and industrial complexes.

Character traits: A.B.I.G.A.L.E. is a learning A.I. and as such will start out with limited knowledge of human interaction, but the more time she spends with you the more she learns how to interact. Depending on how your character behaves can shape her own personality. Cruel or loving, it's up to you.

Balance: This story is a little loose on plot, beyond the general set up I don't have a lot of fixed plot points to keep things moving, so bring some ideas! Otherwise, this is really about an A.I. learning to behave as a human, because of that this *can* become intimate if it's something your character is interested in. Combat could be a prevailing theme throughout, but if you're not interested in facing enemies it's just as easy to make this a struggle against the newly molded environment.

Note: A.B.I.G.A.L.E. is very flexible as a character. She could be inserted into any number of different plots. Namely, she would fit best in places that would be high risk for humans. Think 'deep sea research assistant' or 'companion to an adventurer'

Looking for: Male or Female. A light hearted Captain who's always playing the game close to their chest. A spark for adventure and a thirst for riches, perhaps over zealous and needs the wtchful eye of their first mate to keep them in line.

Setting: Space, alien planet, etc...

L.E.v.XI or colloquially known Lex is a similar character to A.B.I.G.A.L.E. but this time she doubles as the A.I. to a small scavenger ship who picks the bones of derelict space wreckage. She can offload into a Gel body to accompany her captain off ship and support him in his ventures. Lex has accompanied her captain faithfully aboard the good ship Gwendolyn for the last few years, only disembarking to provide backup or technical support in austere locations. One such location is the remains of a commercial star freighter who's haul consists of mostly toiletries and luxury items to the outer colonies. But something is amiss as they arrive and find all hands lost on board and a mysteriously unmarked shipment to blame.

Aesthetic / Theme: This can vary depending on how you'd like to play your character, but for my money I prefer the Firefly feel to space exploration. A small privately owned ship fleeting from job to job just trying to scrape by. Always pursued by a large faceless organization that perhaps deems our activities as illegal.

Also, I enjoy the dynamic between our characters, there should be a close connection to keep us together. A Captain guarded by their fiercely loyal first mate (I want to be the Riza Hawkeye to your Roy Mustang)

Character traits: Unlike A.B.I.G.A.L.E. who is naive and unfamiliar with human speech and interaction, Lex is *very* familiar with her captain. She controls the ships surveillance and monitors every aspect of the captains day to day. She's well versed in human conversation and mannerisms. One unique aspect of this role is the divergence of her consciousnesses. Essentially, when she offloads into another body she copies her digital mind. Alpha will always exist on the ship, while subsequent iterations of her can exist in one or more gel bodies. This is fun because depending on how the story goes you couple potentially end up facing one of Lex's copies as an antagonist.

Balance: Again, I don't have a significant amount of plot built for this roleplay, if you have thoughts I'd love to hear them! I'm open to this roleplay involving combat or simply the struggles of dissecting hazardous wreckages. Once again, this roleplay *can* involve intimate settings with one or more copies of my character.
Android x Human
September Profile
Looking for: Male or Female. Someone who's stuck in the same rat race as the rest of us. Maybe a guard or spacer who stops in for a drink to drown their troubles or company to help ease their loneliness. You can take pity on September, but maybe there's not much you can do to help her.


Setting: Future Earth, Space port

September is the product of the emulated mind of a young woman. She has few memories of her life as a human, all she can remember is closing her eyes for the emulation process and opening them a century later on an aging space port where she finds herself in an artificial body. Because her mind and body aren't organically human, she's not considered to have human rights and there for owned as property. She's put to work in a brothel because her body won't age, she can't get pregnant or contract disease.

Aesthetic / Theme: This is a world spread too thin to provide justice for all, and those who fall through the cracks fall far. Technology out paces man's ability to keep track of it, and now it runs rampant in everything, or it decays into death, leaving it's remains to linger on every inch of every world. I'm imagining advanced technology that borders on the ramshackle. Machines that has woven it's way so completely into humanities every day life that people no longer bat an eye at an ancient cyborg who's human parts have long decayed around their machine parts, looking more like a shambling robotic corpse than a man. Somewhere in the middle of all of this is our little September.

Character traits: September will come off as smooth talking and confident, ready to pour you a drink and unravel your mystery. This is all a guise however, beneath her fragile sense of self-confidence is the scared trembling feeling of a girl who's woken up in a strange place, in a strange body, with no way home. Gain her trust and she'll confide in you her anger and ruin. She's angry that she misses a family she can't remember, yearns for a body she wouldn't recognize in the mirror, and is haunted by images of things she can't recall. But most of all she's angry because she can't blame anyone but the human she used to be for her troubles.

Balance: This roleplay is rather flexible. You could play her owner or her saviour, and the balance of smut to plot would vary for either as she might be inclined to reward her savior with her trust. The plot so far would mostly centralize around her earning freedom, but afterwards could involve helping your character achieve their goals.
Psycho Outlaw x Bounty Hunter
Nikita/Eden Profile
Looking for: Male preferred. A gruff and regimented law bringer who doesn't have time for Nikita's antics. Maybe someone who's been beaten down by years of service to a corrupt system.


Setting: Future earth, human space colony

Nikita is a verifiable psychopath who's out for nothing more than chaos and mayhem. She wants the violence and pain and blood and explosions and noise to help drown out the voices within. Needless to say, this behavior would attract all sorts of attention. Rival gangs wanting her head on a pike or the long arm of the law trying to put an end to her rampage.

Aesthetic / theme: The prevailing theme here isn't where we're at or what we're doing, but rather the insanity and darkness that comes with Nikita and the way she behaves in whatever worlds we make. She's going to push your boundaries of comfort, make you question if there's a part of you that's crazy, or a part of her that's sane. Have you ever thought about the horror you could commit? How if you wanted to you could strangle someone to death with your bare hands and no one could stop you until it's too late? Even if you don't admit it, the thought has crossed your mind, and she knows it.

Character traits: Nikita will usually behave in unpredictable ways, ignoring pain or denying sleep or food to find the next exciting thing to do. This will almost always end with her in rough shape and typically in some state of unconsciousness. That's where Eden comes in, this is Nikita's sane half who finds herself having to deal with the mess Nikita has caused for them. But you can be assured, when the fighting starts and her adrenaline spikes, Nikita will make an appearance once again.

Balance: This roleplay will certainly involve combat, whether between our characters or Nikita and others. I have a bit of plot to keep the story moving but am open to suggestions. And as always, this roleplay can involve smut, usually as the aftermath of Nikita losing a fight or being otherwise overpowered.

Disclaimer: This roleplay involves some rather violent and graphic elements. At some point Nikita will absolutely demand you overpower and/or violate her, whether with traumatic force or sexual acts. If you're not comfortable with violence, acts of self harm or consensual non-consent I'd suggest you not take interest in this role.
Alien x Human
Xyless Profile
Looking for: Preferably male. Someone who admits that Humans are every ounce the bastard that Xyless believes they are, and has no power to change that. Perhaps someone who doesn't have the patience for Xyless' fiery attitude and bratty outbursts and is willing to put her in her place.


Setting: Space port

When Humans developed long distance space travel it opened a lot of doors for a lot of planets that had otherwise been cut off from the rest of the Galaxy. So when the humans came to T'ulle in their metal ships and space suits the local population worshipped them like gods. But that was almost a hundred years ago now, and the humans proved to be little more than pillagers looking for the next quick score. Xyless is a T'ullian refugee who's been stranded on Torre space port since she was a girl. Now she makes her living by conning passers by out of their ships and belongings and leaving them for dead in a sense of retribution.

Aesthetic / theme: I've never been a huge fan of Star Wars, but if ever there was an appropriate comparison for me I believe it's this. I imagine a galaxies worth of creatures and aliens all integrated into mass exchanges of information and wealth. I'd like to visit different planets with all manor of different flora and fauna, explore different social structures and dynamics on those worlds, and maybe Xyless can discover that not all humans are quite so awful.

Character traits: Xyless is very strong willed and can have a bit of attitude towards those around her. But through it all, she's a small T'ullisn orphan who's looking for someone strong enough to care for her. That being said, Xyless sees humans as essentially responsible for the genocide of her people and a direct cause of her cultures extinction. T'ullians are a dying species, and she will blame all of humanity to include your character. So be prepared to sway her image of you!

Balance: Essentially, your character would likely take ownership of Xyless after catching her trying to wrong you. This can mean a lot of things. Perhaps she's just there to help look after your ship, perhaps you need another set of hands on your characters goals, or maybe you're looking for a bed warmer. The ending of this plot is rather open ended in that way, so let's brainstorm! I don't see much combat during this roleplay but certainly lots of exploration and a healthy serving of smut if you'd like.
Human x Super Soldier
Allison Profile
Looking for: Male or Female. A tough and regimented soldier. Someone who's out to protect the meek and willing to sacrifice in the line of duty. Be larger than life. Stronger and faster and more ferocious than even the strongest of warriors. Be a hero. Think Spartans from Halo, or Doomguy from Doom.


Setting: The Voyager 3 exodus space ship

Humans are fleeing the milky way in a mass exodus, but Earth was only able to muster one complete ship to make the journey. Dubbed the Voyager 3 this ship holds 15,000 passengers who consist of Earth's best and brightest to give humanity a new start on Pathos 2 in the neighboring galaxy.

All is well until 18 months in when a mysterious infestation grips the crew and threatens to take the Voyager down all together. Now, Allison Pierson Systems Technician must rely on one of the Vanguard super soldiers kept in stasis to protect her as they both unravel the mystery of the necrotic infestation.

Aesthetic / theme: Alright. If you've ever played Dead Space then you already know I'm pulling heavy inspiration from that game for this roleplay. Riddled with horror, grounded sci-fi themes, and suspense, but instead of a line engineer you'll get the classic Brawns and Brains duo. The name of the game is traverse the massive ship and fix one problem after another, slowly uncovering more clues to where this infestation is coming from and what caused it in the first place. The Voyager is a living and changing setting, as we revisit different areas things won't always be as we left them. And the more the infestation grips the ship the stronger resistance we'll encounter. I'll try and build the plot to be leading up to several different boss battle type scenarios throughout.

Character traits: Allison is outspoken and rather confident of herself, but she knows her place in the dynamic. She will defer to your protection every time and always keep a level head. Furthermore, she is a certified genius when it comes to engineering. If she wasn't, she likely wouldn't have landed a spot on the Voyager. She knows the schematics, she's done the research, and her math is impeccable.

Balance: This roleplay is very plot heavy so there will always be another goal or objective looming overhead to keep the story moving. That being said, there are a few select opportunities to involve intimacy between characters. Lastly, it should go without saying that there is a predominant amount of combat sprinkled through out from beginning to end. This can be toned down if you're not interested in the fighting, but there will be at least some.
Looking for: Male or Female. The reluctant hero who didn't ask to be here. Points if you have a family or other obligations to return to. Be willing to help, but reluctantly so.


Setting: Asteroid mining station

You awaken in a plexiglass sarcophagus and look down to find that the body you're in is not your own. What's more is the very surroundings you do not recognize. Your only ally is a systems technician who seems to be responsible for tearing you from your peaceful life and putting your consciousness in this synthetic body. She needs your help to escape a mysterious mold that's grown throughout the station, infecting the habitants and cutting you both off from your only means of escape. She has agreed to send you back to the life that you'd previously known if you help her escape first.

Aesthetic / theme: So this clearly shares a lot with the Voyager plot line. The biggest difference is we care a little less about where the infestation came from and more about escaping to safety. While we were trapped on the Voyager, here we're free to figure a way out of the space station. That's not to say this roleplay is free of mystery. How did you get here? How are you getting home? Why is Allison the only survivor? Let's find out together

Character traits: Allison will play a nearly identical role for this setting as well. Please see plot #1 character traits.

Balance: Again, this roleplay will have a lot of motivation from plot to keep things on track. There will be moments of respite where the two characters can simply cohabitate together, but more often than not Allison will be requesting you walk into the lions den to retrieve or fix something. Smut can take place, but won't be a heavy theme. Similar to the Voyager plot, combat will be a prevailing theme but can be dialed back if needed.

Note: This role can involve any backstory you like. You could theoretically be from medieval times if you wish, or a different magical land altogether. Get creative! Have a family or something you need to get back to, I can work with whatever you decide to come up with.
I'm always open to new ideas! So feel free to message me if I sound interesting to you! I'd love to hear what you have in mind.
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