Fantasy, heroes, and sci-fi oh my!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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(I got inspiration for this roleplay by the new movie, the hunt. The roleplay is set in three different categories that you can choose from: superhero, modern fantasy, and sci-fi)
Superhero: we all know superheroes dont kill for it's part of their whole moral code. What nobody knows is that once a year random humans, villains, and heroes are chosen tobe hunted by what people consider the upper class heroes who are the most popular or the most powerful so they can release all the stress and anger they build up from letting supervillains and psychopaths live. Those who are chosen receive a video that explains everything with which they then are given 24 hours to prepare. There are many different types of characters you can play as for this category and I promise there will be many twists, turns, gore (if you're not for that then not as much as promised), and more!
Modern fantasy: in a world of magic, monsters, and wonder there is a lot of darkness. A lot of the magical creatures have lives of their own living in peace and harmony with humans except for that one time of the year. Different mythical creatures are kidnapped by a small group of rich people who want a challenge and felt that magical creatures were the best. You would be playing a magical creature who escapes the boundaries and stumbles upon a home where a resident resides and knows nothing about the hunt
Sci-fi: same as the roleplay above but with aliens.
This is where the hunt roleplay ends and I list some other roleplays.
This roleplay involves a demon with two different storylines.
1. A teen on the hunt for revenge and a friend tries the last thing he/she could think of and summons a demon.
2. A demon is kicked from hell for showing mercy on a soul and tries to find his/her place in the world.
The princes bodyguard
This roleplay is about a prince who travels to another kingdom on a diplomatic mission and despite being a minor magic user his father puts out a for hire hoping that someone will take the job to protect the prince. This roleplay will involve magic, bounty hunters, evil kings, other races, etc. This roleplay can also be set in sci-fi.
A teenager is sent back in time to find himself in a world of amazons, magic, and gods. The item that sent him back is the spear of Zeus which the amazons recognize so they agree to help him if he helps them deal with a dark force spreading on the outskirts of the land so he travels with a warrior, the princess, or the queen.
A young bodyguard is hired to protect a rich and/or spoiled girl from all types of enemies. This roleplay can be modern, modern fantasy, or sci-fi.
If any of these roleplays catch your eye then pm me and we will discuss more about it! Message me! Message me! I see you reading this so message me! Dont you close the page just message me! Please!! I'm so lonely... XD
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