Eve's Eclipse

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Stories filled with Science Fiction

Deleted member 255

Looking for prefferably 2-4 roleplay partners for this roleplay. Here is the starting message. Sorry my writing is shit lol... DM me or reply to this post if your interested.

Setting: It feels like 1986, the fashions have come back in this era. It's 4046. Yet, something feels very vintage about this setting. It's a dark place, still bright. There are many dance clubs around with dazziling neon signs that read "Jerry's Club" or "Mona's Dance Club". It had rained the night before, there were gross puddles full of muddy water down the many alleyways of this city.
Cars with bright neon lights fly above, this city is always roaring with the sounds of honks and screaming adults with their fists out the windows. "Dammit! I'll run you ass over!" A man says in a new york accent, trying to get through the traffic to his late night job at the bar...

A young girl walks down the alleyway, kicking rocks and cans. She overhears the man who is frustrated with the traffic, she looks up above her. She thinks to herself "What a bunch of Dicks...". Her hair is a bright slime green, it's short, she wears a lot of makeup and has a few beauty marks. She plays with her tounge in her mouth as if she was pissed at someone, but she just has a toungue piercing. Her outfit..it's black and neon orange. She wears an over sized jacket and high waisted blue jeans with a black belt. Her crop top is orange and black, it's been cut off with a pair of sciccors it looks like. She seems pretty tall. She wears black army boots from her father who was lost in a sixth dimension, they have gotten dirty from the puddles in the alleyway. Chains hang from the side of her waist attachted to her jeans.
Her hands in her pockets, she kicks the can walking down the alleyway alone. She has no car. She has a couple quarters to buy a cigerette. She seems like a pretty depressed individual. Her name is Eve.
Her father never came back after fighting in the sixth dimension, she was very young, at the age of 9 assumingly. Her mother, died in a horrible fire when Eve was away getting grocieries for the day.
Eve is now 19. She wanders around the city, alone now. In this city, it is beilived that the 3 gaurdians will come one day and rule out all evil. They posses super natural powers. No one knows what kind of super natural powers these guardians posses or who they may be, or where they come from. One scroll tells the future of the city and how the gaurdians will come, but the eldest person in the world who could read the traditional hand writing died over 3000 years ago... Eve does not know but she has a super natural power that only a handful posses.

(If possible I would like someone else's character to find Eve and tell her how she has a super natural power. The character would have already found their power, you come up with the power, personality, looks, etc.!)

WARNING~ There may be gore!

Eve's Appearence ♥


Okay! Since I have three partcipants I will start the group chat!
Is there still an open slot? I'm very much interested.
Then I want to join.