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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Jun 21, 2022
Hey, I'm Nova, I'm 20, and I never f---ing learned how to read! Jkjk. My RP length is around 100-150 words, I use first person present tense, but I don't have a preference as to what you use. Proper grammar, NON asterisk style RP, and of age (18+, I'm uncomfortable RP'ing romance with children) are my only requirements.

Mainly seeking:
An OC x OC, Assistant (MC) x CEO (YC), original modern RP
An OC (MC) x Shoto Todoroki, BNHA/MHA RP

Will also accept:
An OC x OC, Hand Servant (MC) x Crown Prince (YC), original Fantasy RP
An OC x OC, Commoner (MC) x Crown Prince (YC), original Fantasy RP
An OC (MC) x Sherlock (YC), BBC Sherlock RP
An OC x OC, Neighbor (MC) x Mafia Boss / Next in line to be the Mafia Boss (YC), original modern RP

Heavy topics, so please have limited triggers if you interact.
DMs are always open!
Note I: I have no triggers, and have adaptable OCs.
Note II: THESE WILL ALL BE MXM, thank you.​
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