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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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Hello! I'm Cherry Babe but you can call me Asteria. I'm really bad at introductions so I'm going to just get right into my ideas, I hope you enjoy them! Also just a small note I got some of my ideas from my sister who also roleplays.


Mafia War:
Muse A is the daughter of the most wealthy mafia boss out there, Muse B is very wealthy as well but he wants to be on top. Muse B makes a plan to take what matters the most to his enemy witch is Muse A his daughter, he will not give her back until he gets the money and power. Muse B keeps Muse A locked away in one of his spare bedrooms, Muse B talks with Muse A about her father then they talk about her. Muse B soon begins to have feelings for Muse A but can't say anything because of her being his enemy's daughter but he can't hide his feelings forever.

The Assassin:
Muse A is a cop and Muse B is the best assassin, Muse B was hired to go undercover with Muse A to catch a bad guy that has been killing a lot of people. Their assignment is to bring him in alive or dead if they have to, they have to act as an engaged couple as they figure out as much about the target as much as they can. Muse A and Muse B go through a lot to save each other back, Muse A goes missing and Muse B has to do everything they can to find them safe and alive.

Falling for you:
Muse A is a member of a gang, rebel and is considered to have a cold heart. Muse B is the totally opposite of Muse B, who has a good heart and is liked by everyone. until one night, Muse A and B got drunk at a party and slept together. muse A and B begin to fall in love but can they show their feelings or will they remain quiet about it?

The CEO:
Muse A goes looking for a job, Muse B is a very powerful CEO. Muse A reads that Muse B is looking for a personal assistant, Muse A applies for the job and a week later she finds out she got the job. Muse goes to Muse B's house to meet with him, Muse A then finds out Muse B is not only a CEO he is also a very powerful Mafia boss and now Muse A was part of it. Muse A now has to learn how to work with weapons and learn how to be a Mafia boss.


~Bad boy x good girl
~Best friend x Best friends boyfriend
~Young college professor x college student
~Country boy x city girl or Country girl x city boy
~Preachers daughter x Troublemaker
~Roommates boyfriend x Roommate
~Young cop x bosses daughter
~Mafia boss x cop
~Dancer/Assassin x Cop

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of my ideas! I hope to hear from you and if not I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
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