A shyte introduction! XD

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Yo! I'm shit at introduction but here we go: name RosK I'm a 30+yo (bi/pan/queer) stoner that been RPing since 2001 and I spend most of my time either at work or distracting myself with hobbies like kayaking, painting, crochet, tatting, and hiking (gaming but honestly its getting to expensive to game anymore!!!!) I'm heading into the 1 year anaversery of this pandemic with a new motto "fuck it, it doesn't matter" and trying to just let go easier and move on from things outside my control. I've been insanely stressed lately, had some dumb shit happen to me recently, lost someone close and I'm sort of just trying to reinvent, set boundaries, and find myself again!

As for my roleplay interests I'm a lover of some romance, scifi and modern drama crime boss mafia shit; give me queers with guns, drugs, and burning passion to rail one another!
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@Atrocitus Gotta love the sexual tension of pulling a fresh magazine from your bosses back pocket while locked down by gunfire!
i call dibs on the slightly nasally, chronically malnourished goon who, upon the boss cleverly insulting the closest available protagonist, replies "nyeh, good one boss"