A Little Introduction

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Greetings! I'm Rose Thorne! I have been role-playing for almost eleven years and I have an obsession with writing. I have been writing stories since I was taught how to write. I always wanted to be a book author, I have written plenty of starting for books but lost interest due to life issues or just due to my undiagnosed ADHD at the time. With that being said I have a small problem with memory loss due to some medical conditions, ADHD, Dyslexia, and PTSD. Those are at least the ones that will effect my writing from time to time. Some of my favorite topics to write consist of, criminal activity such as mafias, cartels, outlaws, bounties, etc. I hardly ever do anything futuristic or modern though I have from time to time accepted some of those and might be open to the ideas of one of those. I mostly do medieval settings. I love gore, torture, kidnapping, fighting scenes, slow-burning romance, and much more. (Of course, I do have limitations with some themes and tend to fade to black with a less detailed description of what would have happened during that fading to black scene.) I have a long list of characters to choose from, one of my most recent will be posted in a searching topic shortly after this is posted. She is my most well-written character and goes with two other characters. They are three known as the Nightwind Sisters, who I am currently writing a book series on. I will eventually have all three character information sheets filled out to my liking and post them but for now, I only have one.

I'm always looking for role-play partners that can keep my attention and help develop the story. While I love writing the story and leading, sometimes it is nice to have someone else lead and create the world around the characters with me. This brings me to how all of my world-building is. Most of my worlds unless stated otherwise are open worlds with a blank canvas that is for your imagination to help me create, both of adding our own twists and making the world ours. Same way with any type of magic system. As most of my characters are highly based on magical abilities, I have no limitations on what types of magic you use or how many different types you use. As long as you don't write your character to be too overpowered without talking it over with me first. All characters have their own types of magic and are overpowered in their own way but everything should have limitations and all characters should have weaknesses.

I'm also looking for a partner that can write out paragraphs rather than sentences. In certain circumstances the role-play may call for one lining sentence during dialogue, though if there is an option to write more I'm a huge fan of details and love to read, the longer they are the more excited I get. I can write quite a bit at times but don't expect me to have more than three paragraphs for every post I make, as I don't expect you to do that either!

I'm always open to chat if anyone ever wants to chat! I have discord and I make sure to check the site at least once a day for updates on role-plays and to make sure I respond in a quick amount of time!

Hope to make some new friends and write some lovely stories with my new partners!