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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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  1. Silvercurrent

    Interest check for a TTRPG || TSL system!

    Group Sci-Fi Seeking Any Gender Character(s) Fantasy Discord 
    Hello! this will probably be a message in a bottle, but wanted to post this somewhere in hopes of finding more players. I'm setting up a Table Top RP based on the system of Thirsty Sword Lesbians (TSL), which is a fun, wholesome yet thrilling Role Playing game that lets players make wild...
  2. kinkycasserole

    Mad Men inspired Ad agency

    Hiya! I'm looking to start a rp set in a 1960s ad agency. Our story will cover the power struggles, frustrations and affairs of the ad industry set, and is loosely inspired by the tv series Madmen. So join as a copy-writer, designer, ceo, secretary, or life partner of office employee and see...
  3. BlackCat1981

    Avengers role play

    Hoping to create a group role play full of randomness and some romance. Rules: No hate speech. Be kind to one another. Comment here if interested. Nothing too NSFW, please.
  4. Spicytuna

    just another circus freak

    "Welcome one, welcome all to the Mystic Cirque Val Royale of memory! It is a place of dreams and wonders as far as the eye can see! Come see the impossible....." Cirque Val Royale is renown across the world for it's rather unique design and performances while under the control of it's...
  5. Sunshine Kitti

    Nirvana Lost

    GATEWAY TO HEAVEN Your Chariot Awaits... GEMINI is a luxury starliner in transit to the colony Terion-3 in the Capsulon Galaxy. It is essentially a moving city that is traversing the stars, transporting beings from all walks of life to what is promised to be their Nirvana: a colony where...
  6. Hexy

    Coven of DeMorte

    Coven of DeMorte What is the RP about? Basically it is a good vs evil setting. After having been exiled after learning the truth about her home; Order of Seht, Morrigan(My character) has decided it is time to stand up and fight for what is right. So anyone demon of the shadows who seek peace...
  7. D

    Eve's Eclipse

    Looking for prefferably 2-4 roleplay partners for this roleplay. Here is the starting message. Sorry my writing is shit lol... DM me or reply to this post if your interested. Setting: It feels like 1986, the fashions have come back in this era. It's 4046. Yet, something feels very vintage...