What do you want to see more of?

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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Jan 23, 2020
Tell me about it! What do you want to see more of in terms of roleplaying, or perhaps what do you want to see more of coming from yourself?
So what do you want to see more of? it can be anything!

I'll start:

As an MxM roleplayer, I want to see more flexibility. Lately, I've noticed a trend of people aiming to be more realistic with their writing, which is nice! I tend to lean more towards a cartoonish rendition of my characters, so of course, some unrealisticness is inevitable, but also that gives me more room to exaggerate personalities and create funnier, or more dramatic situations.
My point is, I want to see characters who don't fit the typical bill. The tonal mismatch is my jam when done right.
As an anthro character player, what I want to see is more tolerance and willingness by human players to at least try to play with my characters. Over the past decade I have seen less and less tolerance by human or humanoid character players and that just makes me sick as I find the whole alien x human (or elf or orc or whatever) dynamic quite appealing.
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From myself, i want my energized motivation to come back so i csn drown myself in rps.

I would love to see more group rps in general. I feel like i flourish much more in groups than in 1x1s and i miss seeing some of the old cliche and ocerdone rps. I feel adding some kind of twist onto some classic themes could raise the potential to be really fun.

I agree with CNJ about the exaggeration of characters and some inevitable unrealisticness. I miss the eccentricity and energy that cartoonish or exaggerated personality trait characters brought.
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From myself being more of what I feel is out of the norm, maybe some more anime or fandom rp's so I could at least drown in it and to boost my fire on the inside.

I feel like i can do a bit more with 1x1's than groups as my group rp experience is not the greatest at all really so it is a hesitant subject for me.
more mary sues tbh, it always annoyed me that Mary Sue was heralded as the worst human being alive when she's also the most fun to play??????????? plus like, in most rp settings, ensign fuckaroni would have probably failed out of the academy since literally every single cadet is supposed to be absolutely exceptional, so sometimes straying too far away from the "litmus test" is unrealistic. sorry not sorry all of my characters are bono, Deal With It
Tell me about it! What do you want to see more of in terms of roleplaying, or perhaps what do you want to see more of coming from yourself?
So what do you want to see more of? it can be anything!

I'll start:

As an MxM roleplayer, I want to see more flexibility. Lately, I've noticed a trend of people aiming to be more realistic with their writing, which is nice! I tend to lean more towards a cartoonish rendition of my characters, so of course, some unrealisticness is inevitable, but also that gives me more room to exaggerate personalities and create funnier, or more dramatic situations.
My point is, I want to see characters who don't fit the typical bill. The tonal mismatch is my jam when done right.

I meld both as there are people who are outlandish in their personality quirks. My character Matsumota, has a pocket realm between her bags that acts as a bag of holding. In a fight, I had her throw a tube of salami at the villain's face as he gave his boring speech. The blow landed. He didn't get hurt, but dominance was asserted. However, she is still a tragic character with provoking thematic undertones.

Now onto what I want to see...

More long-term characters. I have notice people create and dump characters. As someone who has kept their character going, one just hit 20 ooc years now. I have found that they have transcended above the term character and into their own beings, given my time with them. Even how I write and my dictions alternates depending on the character and their intelligence/philosophy. I have run into people who remember them from long ago. And others have rped decades in my home group and have watched their struggles. I get that sometimes throwaway characters are lovely. But I feel many are missing out on the other side of the aisle. Maybe some more grounded original universes. At least internally within their own lore.