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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Alucàrd Ducat

"This lonely road runs straight to Hell."
Umbra Supporter
Nov 13, 2019
Uhm...why? o_O;;

Dragon Age: The Reckoning

Dragon Age: The Reckoning
I was wanting to see how many individuals would be interested in a Dragon Age storyline that takes place roughly six months after the event of 'Trespasser' the epilogue to Dragon Age: Inquisition. This will be Original, freshly made characters only. So no using spares--or the likes of Cassandra, Iron Bull, Varric, Lilliana, Vivian, Sera, Cole, Blackwall, etc as these characters will be NPCs that we can meet in-game. So, if you'd like to join, say Hi, and we can talk about how to make a character, and talk just in general. I enjoy getting to know my colleagues and form bonds with them; get their take on things, understand what they would like to see involved in this rendition I am making.

Warrior: Sword and shield
Warrior: Two-handed weapon

Warrior: Vanguard
Warrior: Battle Master


Fire Magic
Ice Magic
Lightning Magic
Blood Magic


Rogue: Archery
Rogue: Dual Bladed
Rogue: Sabatoge
Rogue Subterfuge​