Quoting Quotes

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Frog Leader Extraordinaire
Umbra Supporter
I Vote
Aug 11, 2019
Hi lovelies!

Rei here!

I wanted to make a repository of all the fun quotes we've seen or heard - or just things that make us laugh?

I'll start off -

I was watching Rhythm + Flow on Netflix and this exchange happened between T.I, and Cardi B.

T.I.: "I'm excited for what we're going to do here - it's got intangible benefit..."
Cardi-B: "How do you know all these fancy words?"
T.I.: "I've been to prison, Cardi... I've had time to read a few dictionaries..."

Hook me up with some quotes that you've heard! <3
"[on the phone] What is the condition of Sergeant Kruger? [pause] Very well, let me know if there is any change in his condition. [Hangs up] He's dead." -General Streck from Top Secret