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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
I'm Irish and Canadian. Angrily apologetic. That's me.

Can you imagine Jedi Woad berserkers? They'd be some kind of weird secret offshoot or something, obviously, but the idea of a group of half-blue faced screaming redheads with lightsaber-axes and claymores tripping balls while murdering people is extremely amusing to me.
I did have the notion of RPing a long stasis-ridden Sith Lord being woken up by the First Order. Chaos ensues.
Not gonna lie, I've considered changing my Sith's origin slightly to be more modern canon friendly, but uh...I don't think Miralukans exist in the modern era of Star Wars, so...that'd be a hard thing to explain. Kind of.
See? But at least with you I'd trust you not to fuck it up because you actually give a shit. You're not motivated by ticket and toy sales just good writing.
Aw, that's nice of you to say. Admittedly, I do like to think of myself as a slightly better lore writer than the current ones Star Wars has to offer. At least I try to make stuff make sense before throwing it out into the world.
I find that when people are fuelled by the passion and interest of the setting and not the financial gain they tend to take risks because there's no real loss apart from critisism.
Yeah, that's pretty accurate, I think. Probably why I like my OCs more than I do my Canons & Genderbends. I don't feel quite as confined by the lore and setting with an OC as I do with a Canon or a Genderbend. I can kind of explore more varied motivations and reasons behind character archetypes with Darkfrost and Shenra than I can with Kon or Beast Girl.
Pft. I mean it's not something that I've pondered so it's a new concept to me. Who, then, would you go for?
If I was going to genderbend a Star Wars character, you mean? I hadn't really thought about it before but...tbh, probably Darth Maul. Or Mara Jade. Snrk. Bara Jade.
Mmm, female force users always make me go, "how are you not Sith?" because I think about how many times I'd be dead now if one of my ex's had the ability to force choke me when it was shark week. XD