The Ask Me (Almost) Anything Thread

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So these runes... are they like Norse runes, or some other unique set of symbols? Can you describe some examples of what they look like? Are they simple or complex? Do they vary between individuals, or is it a consistent set? I can almost imagine them as tricks of light, but then that doesn't explain the singing (I think I need to add some singing to our RP -- maybe something MC does in his downtime when he thinks he's alone... or maybe a form of long-distance communication they use amongst one another, like their version of CB radio).
Some are simple, but most are complicated and I cannot duplicate them. I'm an artist of words not the hand. But I honestly can't describe them, its extremely difficult. There's more runes than there are words of all earthly languages, its their's. So.. they do have a spoken language their own they call Lebian, sounds akin to Latin but very distinctly not. Lots of words end in el, im, or an.

Ps, this little fact drove me to study languages ^^
Some are simple, but most are complicated and I cannot duplicate them. I'm an artist of words not the hand. But I honestly can't describe them, its extremely difficult. There's more runes than there are words of all earthly languages, its their's. So.. they do have a spoken language their own they call Lebian, sounds akin to Latin but very distinctly not. Lots of words end in el, im, or an.

Ps, this little fact drove me to study languages ^^
Still so glad you love the paintings ❤️
More like Hebrew, then? Or another way of putting it, might Hebrew have been shaped by people like yourself listening to this otherworldly language in a desert thousands of years ago and trying to imitate it?

I'm reminded of something else I heard a while back, about how Hebrew is one of the rare languages that reads right-to-left, and that the importance of this is that it engages the right hemisphere of the brain before the left hemisphere, forcing the reader to construct the full sentence before analyzing the individual words. The gist of the story was something to do with the left-to-right reading Greeks (and their successors, the Romans) being excellent at breaking things down into their constituent parts to understand how they work, while the right-to-left reading Jews were excellent at putting things together to understand the meaning of the whole. And when the Greeks met the Jews, things got very interesting. Remembering what you said about the right ear being more often the receiver of these sounds, it somehow seems relevant, but I can't put my finger on the answer just yet (that would be a left-hemisphere activity anyway).
Hebrew is one of the ones I have yet to study actually. So I can't speak on this matter.

The ear thing, it more or less goes back to the whole angel and devil on your shoulders. Angel sits on the right and the devil on your left.

Interestingly enough every human on this planet has a set of angels, demons, and spirit guides that make up the whole of someone's spirit team. The human in question must find a way to balance these 'personalised' forces.

I have quite a few of each faction due to the fact I'm a medium. My angels are high class warriors, and my demons are rather volatile, but I'm team angel for sure ^^ my spirit guides are mostly of Celtic origin but that goes to my past lives and such. Very Scottish.

Oop, shut me up if I'm over sharing.
This whole conversation makes me feel like that quote from Hamlet: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Especially as I think about other weird things like the tic-tac UFO in 2004. I saw that pilot, David Fravor, on Lex Friedman's podcast over a year ago and I came away having no idea what to make of his story. Guy didn't sound crazy or lying, he just saw something that made no sense and couldn't be explained away, and he came away with only question marks.

Personalized angels and demons sounds like a concept I've heard called a "consciousness congress", where neural circuits in your brain compete for the attention of the conscious mind. Demons would represent the base instincts that improve your survival in the short term while destabilizing the community you belong to. Angels, by contrast, are the longer-term strategies that want the community to succeed, even if it means sacrificing your individual needs. Demons speak into the left ear, I presume, because the left hemisphere of the brain is optimized for efficient problem solving and mastery of one's environment. The worst atrocities in history came as a result of people trying to control everything around them, as if other people are a problem to be solved. Like fire, the left hemisphere is a good servant, but a very bad master. At least, this is what I get from listening to Iain McGilchrist.
I love your mind <3 that's exactly that. Spirits are energy. I just happen to see them as disembodied figures, but the root of it all lies in the Self. And the vastness of the All. Angels talk about an ultimate being (consciousness) that started and maintains the universe and they worship it.
If there is an Egregore for every idea that goes viral, there must also be a Super-Egregore for the fundamental idea of life itself... the drive to keep humanity going, which we call YHWH/Allah/Odin/whatever else. And conversely, an opposite (but not equal) Super-Egregore for the drive to destroy humanity and flip the game table because one is losing (because chaos is a ladder). Not more powerful; only quicker, and easier.

I want to get off this topic and return to Question Period. So here are some more questions, not nearly as heavy as we just had:

To MetalAngel: What sub-genre of metal do you see as being the "truest" metal?

To Splitzer: What is the kinkiest fantasy situation you can come up with?

To Mothra: Do you put on music or anything to get into a zone when you paint? Or otherwise how do you set up your creative space?

To Nevermind (if you're still following this thread): Was your username inspired by Nirvana?
To Splitzer: What is the kinkiest fantasy situation you can come up with?

I mean like, I'm gonna read this with the Fantasy aspect being applied to allow like, Fantasy elements.

A Harem of Furries, if I'm being honest. Just the ability to have a giant household, with nothing but Furry slaves doing everything for me at my every beck and call, Male and Female, and then of course being able to walk them as I wanted, obviously them on all fours. Ontop of that I would of course have a complete and fully kitted Dungeon, to which I could have my darling Pain slaves stowed away to abuse whenever. XD

That's like, peak.
If there is an Egregore for every idea that goes viral, there must also be a Super-Egregore for the fundamental idea of life itself... the drive to keep humanity going, which we call YHWH/Allah/Odin/whatever else. And conversely, an opposite (but not equal) Super-Egregore for the drive to destroy humanity and flip the game table because one is losing (because chaos is a ladder). Not more powerful; only quicker, and easier.

I want to get off this topic and return to Question Period. So here are some more questions, not nearly as heavy as we just had:

To MetalAngel: What sub-genre of metal do you see as being the "truest" metal?

To Splitzer: What is the kinkiest fantasy situation you can come up with?

To Mothra: Do you put on music or anything to get into a zone when you paint? Or otherwise how do you set up your creative space?

To Nevermind (if you're still following this thread): Was your username inspired by Nirvana?
I put on music as I start to paint it's on the entire time. I sometimes rock out while painting or kinda dance around and really get into it before painting.My art room is set up 24/7 so I can just sit down and start.
I mean like, I'm gonna read this with the Fantasy aspect being applied to allow like, Fantasy elements.

A Harem of Furries, if I'm being honest. Just the ability to have a giant household, with nothing but Furry slaves doing everything for me at my every beck and call, Male and Female, and then of course being able to walk them as I wanted, obviously them on all fours. Ontop of that I would of course have a complete and fully kitted Dungeon, to which I could have my darling Pain slaves stowed away to abuse whenever. XD

That's like, peak.

Sounds kind of like that game, Lilith's Throne. Have you ever played that? And if so, what sort of creature do you end up transforming into?

There isn't one, everyone has their own opinion. I'm not an Elitest where I need to declare what's the best, yadda yadda yadda.

Reminds me of Malcolm Gladwell's TED talk, where he went on about how there's no perfect spaghetti sauce, but a perfect set of sauces to satisfy the various clusters in tastes across the market.

Hmmm.... do you wear corpse-paint like your avatar? Or have you done so in the past?

I put on music as I start to paint it's on the entire time. I sometimes rock out while painting or kinda dance around and really get into it before painting.My art room is set up 24/7 so I can just sit down and start.

Sounds like fun, kind of makes me want to take up painting. I guess I'll ask the standard question black guys always ask: What kinda music you listen to?
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Sounds kind of like that game, Lilith's Throne. Have you ever played that? And if so, what sort of creature do you end up transforming into?

Reminds me of Malcolm Gladwell's TED talk, where he went on about how there's no perfect spaghetti sauce, but a perfect set of sauces to satisfy the various clusters in tastes across the market.

Hmmm.... do you wear corpse-paint like your avatar? Or have you done so in the past?

Sounds like fun, kind of makes me want to take up painting. I guess I'll ask the standard question black guys always ask: What kinda music you listen to?
I'm a rock and roll and heavy metal diehard. So I listen to anything from 80's metal to current ones like brothers of Metal. I like ice nine kills. Black veil brides. I'm a sucker for Metallica. Ozzy. Iron Maiden. Guns and Roses. The list goes on.
Allow me to introduce you to it, then! Link. It's basically an isekai sandbox game done in Java. It's filled with furries and demons and sex battles and a huge variety of transformation options. There's also a mechanic where you can buy slaves and put them to work in a big house that your demonic pseudo-aunt owns. No dungeon, but there are toys you can buy and use, like riding crops and buttplugs.
Reminds me of Malcolm Gladwell's TED talk, where he went on about how there's no perfect spaghetti sauce, but a perfect set of sauces to satisfy the various clusters in tastes across the market.

Hmmm.... do you wear corpse-paint like your avatar? Or have you done so in the past?

It's all over my tiktok. My avatar I use for this site a fan made for me years ago. Don't judge me xD