DomOnDemand draws near!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Hey there lads and lassies, I'm DomOnDemand and I'm your average, jaded roleplayer that has relapsed once more because God made us weak I guess. As many souls here I'm an aspiring writer, part-time worker and full-time bastard. I blame this summer where I went back to reading again (hooray!) and my faulty crackhead mentality that can't get enough of seeking plots that would work shitty for a book but good for a RP.

I enjoy sci-fi and bilbical stuff mostly, things that defy reality and are meant to test the limits of the human mind as well as your average adventure stories. So far, my favorite read has been Rendezvous with Rama with Treasure Island falling not far behind and I might one day finish my illustrated version of Dante's Divine Comedy, the first biblical fan fiction ever written by mankind. Fucking incredible.

I might be a bit of a clown but more like the washed up Krusty kind, and whenever I'm not looking to fulfill my demented erotic fantasies here I'm happy to discuss games, movies and books if you have the patience to deal with a tasteless nitpicker that has the RE movies as a guilty pleasure.

For any inquiries, throw me a DM or a rock, both have the same effect.
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Hey there lads and lassies, I'm DomOnDemand and I'm your average, jaded roleplayer that has relapsed once more because God made us weak I guess. As many souls here I'm an aspiring writer, part-time worker and full-time bastard. I blame this summer where I went back to reading again (hooray!) and my faulty crackhead mentality that can't get enough of seeking plots that would work shitty for a book but good for a RP.

I enjoy sci-fi and bilbical stuff mostly, things that defy reality and are meant to test the limits of the human mind as well as your average adventure stories. So far, my favorite read has been Rendezvous with Rama with Treasure Island falling not far behind and I might one day finish my illustrated version of Dante's Divine Comedy, the first biblical fan fiction ever written by mankind. Fucking incredible.

I might be a bit of a clown but more like the washed up Krusty kind, and whenever I'm not looking to fulfill my demented erotic fantasies here I'm happy to discuss games, movies and books if you have the patience to deal with a tasteless nitpicker that has the RE movies as a guilty pleasure.

For any inquiries, throw me a DM or a rock, both have the same effect.

Hello and welcome! I'm Kass, and may I call you Dod? For your username, but shortened. If you ever need anything or wish to write, ding me. I have no life, so I'll be here. ^^
Hello and welcome! I'm Kass, and may I call you Dod? For your username, but shortened. If you ever need anything or wish to write, ding me. I have no life, so I'll be here. ^^

Sure thing, I'll be Dod from now on, which is only slightly removed from Dad so I guess it fits. Sure thing, once I get soem time of my own I'll "ding" you any ideas I can muster. If only I didn't have to wake up early for work... So unless I somehow remember too, remind me to toss your way a story about a biblical post-apocalypse that's been brewing in my mind for a while. I see no way to get it going.