I am Cpax....and Cpax means me!!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
A wonderful hello, and a pleasant good morning, good evening, or goodnight, to whichever fantastical place you may reside.

My name is Cpax, though you may call me Chance if you prefer! I should start off by saying, I am very excited to meet you all, and be immersed in an online community once more! It has been ages since I have properly been on a forum such as this, and I am so excited to return to my roots of roleplaying! Though I have not properly roleplayed in this format in quite a while, and so I may be a bit rusty on the customs, I have gotten my roleplay fix through servers on Discord and Amino, as well as through roelplaying games such as D&D!

Yet, there has always been a special place in my heart for this kind of RP. As a Freshman English major at the current moment, I credit my love for writing and reading to roleplaying on forums when I was in middle school, and I am incredibly excited to get back into it, and create stories, characters, and worlds with you all!

If you ever wish to talk about shows, movies, books, or games, or simply want to make a new friend, feel free to message me! I would enjoy talking to all of you and discussing all matters of different topics!

Here's to creating fantastical worlds and wonderful stories together, friends!
Hello there and welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We're really glad to have you here in our little corner of the web and hope you enjoy your stay here with us. Depending on what sort of shows, movies, and books you're interested in, we could definitely gush about them!

Good luck and happy writing! ❤