November 2020 Update

  • Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types. Sign up today to have access to our forums and join our other talented members!

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  • Hi there Guest. As a reminder - when you are updating/editing your threads in the Requests areas - it is sent to our approval queue to be checked against our site rules. It will take about 24 hours to approve and post. Questions can be sent to Auntie Angel!
  • Hi there Guest! This message is to let you know that leadership is aware there is an error in the posting of badges - that the image links themselves are broken. Rei is working to move the items to a different img host, but it may take a little while for the transition to be complete.
Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!

I want to say here and now that despite whatever personal views I or the staff may hold Umbra will remain a safe, neutral place for all. RP is meant to destress and unwind, not… well, really anything else, I guess. At least not to me. There's a whole case to be made for what roleplay could or could not but let's not all get lost on the point I'm trying to make here.

That said I'm so tired. It's been a rollercoaster of a week, and that's just in my personal life.

Let's run down everything we need to run down on this time around! That sounded awfully repetitive!


We've known for some time that, simply due to the nature of Xenforo, emails from Umbra can (and often do) end up in your spam folder. To help try and mitigate this occasionally frustrating technological hurdle we've changed the sending address for the site's email. Please make sure to whitelist to ensure you get every email. We don't send out many, but if you sign up for email alerts this will help.

Please note that while our solution may work for some email clients, it will not for others. Just make sure to whitelist the address (which again is and you should be a-okay. Did I really just type a-okay? I sure did.


For those of you keeping up with book club--and you really ought to be if you can find the time--Rei's next book choice is ready for consumption. Head over to the Book Club Thread and get yourself informed. The book this month is Book 3 of the Howl's Moving Castle series, but don't let that dissuade you. The books are designed to be read independently of one another; each one tells its own whole, contained story. I know Umbra is full of introverts, but believe me when I say Rei and the rest of the club are a delightful bunch.


This month the prompt is 'CAMERA'. Head over to Merra's post about it to get the lowdown and help flex your writing muscles.


As is typical, game night is held every second and fourth Friday of the month, at 8 p.m. PST. To play you need to be on the site Discord, which you can enter using the "Discord" tab at the top of the site. If you're having issues accessing it for some reason let me know and I'll see if I can help you get sorted out.

Make sure to check the dates on the post, too! It isn't every other week, but the second and fourth weeks of the month. The first and third weeks will have game nights on Saturday, with a more flexible time to let more people participate. And they will be hosted by me! Which means that this weekend will be a game night! What time does everyone like? I'm thinking about holding it at 4 p.m. PST. Tell me what time works best and we'll fine-tune this sucker!

And on TOP of that, Rei is holding an impromptu one tonight! We could all use the distraction, I daresay. That's tonight, at 8 p.m., on the site Discord. Be there!


This month is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. It's a big challenge to undertake, but the tools are there to help. Check out the official site and network with other users on our own site to help get yours going. Writing daily is a good practice if you're passionate about it, and NaNoWriMo can help!

Speaking of writing habits, I wanna share a habit I've been trying to develop. I shared this with Nev and he's had some success, and a few other folks too. If you struggle to find time to write, then the answer is to create time. Pick a day out of the week that works best (mine is Friday), then sit down and make yourself write. A sentence, a paragraph, a whole post, whatever you can do, do. Make it a habit and do your best not to break it.

All advice aside, try to take care of yourself. Stay off social media if you're getting stressed out, watch some harmless YouTube videos about puppies, jam on your favorite video game, read a nice book. Amazon's working on an adaptation of the Wheel of Time franchise! That's pretty interesting to me. Seeing the Aes Sedai on the small screen will be neat.

Stay safe. Stay calm. Hydrate. Write well.

And for the love of god, pet an animal.

Until next time,
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