Most Uninteresting Fact thread

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I am terrible at all sciences. Biology? Dreadful. Physics? The worst. Chemistry? Fuck me right in the face, I'm god awful. All science was always my worst subject in school throughout my life.

The only reason I received an A in my mandatory biology class in college was because I did ALL of my labwork since I knew I would do so poorly on the tests. So few students actually did the labwork that everyone who had a completed workbook got an insane amount of extra credit. Still feel like I lucked out to this day.
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Uninteresting fact thread?? Have I been on this before?

Either way, here's an uninteresting fact for you: Did you know that Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Syrup actually has no pumpkin in it?

It's true. I worked there and read the bottle. Nothin'.

Conversely, if you would like actual pumpkin in your pumpkin spice latter, Torani is the brand of syrup you reach for.

The more you know!
Matcha (matcha powder) has two major different grades-- ceremonial and culinary grades. Most mixed drinks in the US that use matcha powder actually use a culinary grade matcha. It mixes better with other ingredients and has 5 subgrades for various uses of it. Ceremonial matcha is meant to be drank by itself, with no additives, because it is the highest quality and used for tea ceremonies.
The color orange was named AFTER the fruit orange. The fruit isn't a naturally occuring fruit either; it's actually a hybrid of two other citruses and is entirely manmade (the only naturally occuring citrus fruits are: mandarin, pomelo, and citron. Literally every other citrus fruit is a hybrid, but can be natural or manmade)

Which really raises the question of what the color was called BEFORE the fruit came to define it? I'm guessing it was just either a shade of red or yellow, depending on whatever hue it was. but that brings up MORE questions about how we perceive color. The color 'pink' is just pastel red, but it's still considered distinct enough that you'd probably cause a riot by pointing this out. When does a color become its own distinct Thing instead of just being another hue?

if nothing else, this really just prove that color is a pigment of our imagination.
Saw this post and couldn't resist.

My parents own one dog, two cats. One cat is a black and white tuxedo, with green eyes, his name is Tux. The other is a full grey, fluffy cat (not persian) with orange eyes, his name is Cole.

Tux isn't affectionate at all, but Cole loves to be held, kissed and cuddled with. Cole is such a cuddly love bug that he's taught himself how to pet humans back by reaching up to your face and clumsily touching your chin or cheeks for several minutes.

Cole is also a love biter so when he gets too cuddly, he'll slyly rub his cheeks on your cheeks then slowly cccCHHHOMP :3
68% of the human population, can not ingest milk. In Armenia alone, 98% of its population can't stomach it.
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